Stuck In Time--Harry x Reader x Tom Riddle

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A/N: I was thinking a lot about writing this story, so when it was requested, I knew I had to do it! Hope you enjoy. Thank you DreamyKawaii for requesting.


Hello, my name is (Y/N). I am currently 14 years old, and stuck in a peculiar situation.

I guess it all started my first year of Hogwarts. I turned 11 on (Birthday), 1940 (Or 1939 if you were born after July 31). I attended Hogwarts for my first year that September.

When I was on the train, I met an odd boy named Tom Riddle. Now you all probably know who Tom is now. Though he goes by an alias. One that hardly anybody dare speak out loud. But 11 year old me found 13 year old him extremely attractive.

He may have been odd, but he was nice, at least to me. He talked to me, and was very sweet. I found myself falling for this boy, but when I sorted into (Y/H) (Not Slytherin, sorry.) I wasn't sure if our friendship would last.

We tried, and kept our relationship a secret. I was in love with a boy who I later found out couldn't feel love at all due to him being conceived under the effects of a love potion. I told him how I felt, and he said that he thought I was very attractive, and even admitted that if he was capable of feeling love, he most likely would be feeling it as well.

In my fourth year, our relationship was surprisingly strong. He was my best friend and my lover. Yes I know he couldn't love, but he treated me as if he could. He protected me from anybody that tried to harm me, and even his friends had become my friends.

Then something happened. A basilisk started roaming the school, and petrifying children. I was 14 at this point, and Tom was 16.

One night we were up late in the room of requirement, and he wanted to do something. I had never done this before, but he wanted to have sex. I agreed, even though I knew he was just after my body, and couldn't love, but before we got into it he admitted something to me.

"(Y/N), for the past week or so, I have been feeling something I've never felt before. Every time I look at you I get butterflies in my stomach, and I can't get you out of my head. I don't know what this feeling is, but I need to know."

"Tom, those feelings are what I felt when I knew I loved you."

"Then am I loving?"

"That's the only thing I can think of!" I exclaimed, full of joy, and that night, I let him take me.

Now later that year, I stopped aging. I didn't know I had stopped aging until one of my professors, Professor Dumbledore, noticed a sure fire sign of it. We didn't know why, but now I know. My boyfriend at the time had created a Horcrux. A piece of his soul was living in something, but I knew it meant he had to kill someone to do so.

I explained our entire relationship to Dumbledore (leaving out the sex part) and he found that since I had made someone incapable of loving love me, I had been part of his soul, and when he embedded part of his soul into whatever the horcrux was, I was preserved in time.

I watched the love of my life grow as I had to stay the same age. I watched him become evil, knowing that I could never stop him, but Dumbledore made Hogwarts my permanent home. I finished my curriculum, and I explained the odd situation to my few friends, the other students seemingly not caring. I lived out my life as a 14 year old girl, and my brain nor body matured. Though I became very intelligent, I was still as immature as every 14 year old. I had moved on from Tom, but knew I could never find love, for they would all grow up without me.

One year, a young boy came to Hogwarts. His name was Harry Potter, and I knew of him. I had been friends with his parents. I knew he had defeated Voldemort, or Tom, the previous love of my life. The reason I was stuck the way I was.

When I found out he was defeated, I hoped I would return to aging, but I never did.

I helped Harry, knowing that he might be my only ticket back to aging again. During his first year we went through a lot. Since I had finished my curriculum and was treated as a staff member, I never took class, however, I did tutor students. I took a liking to Harry. I knew it was weird to like a first year, when you were essentially a fourth year, but both of us knew he would eventually catch up to my age. We dated, and I knew that he would grow to old for me to be with him, but we did it anyways, in secret.

During his second year there was another basilisk attack, similar to the one that happened when I was originally frozen in time.

I would always go to Myrtle's bathroom and talk with her since we were almost the same age. Meaning of course that if I hadn't been frozen, and she hadn't died, we would have been wonderful friends. Harry and I eventually found that the Chamber of Secrets was in Myrtle's bathroom, and I swear I almost fought Myrtle when I found out that she liked Harry.

I eventually ventured into the chamber with Ron and Harry and some daft professor Gilderoy Lockhart, seeing as that Hermione was petrified, and therefore couldn't go with us. We found our way, but Ron had gotten separated from us when a spell of Lockhart's backfired. Harry and I told Ron to try and open a path for us, and we continued to try and find Ginny.

When we got there, Ginny was on the floor, almost dead, and I ran up to her, trying to find a way to have her survive.

Then I heard a familiar voice talking. Someone who I could never forget. My first true love. I looked up, wiping the tears from my face, and saw him. My Tom. The one I was in love with.

"(Y/N)! Love! What are you doing here?"

"TOM!" I screamed, practically throwing myself at him. I embraced him, and then realized that it wasn't actually the Tom I had fallen in love with, but simply the Tom that currently existed in the world, with the body of the Tom I fell in love with.

"What did you do to her?!" I demanded between sobs, with tears streaking down my face.

"I'm absorbing her power, (Y/N)."

"Well stop, you're killing her!"

He chuckled before replying, "Love, you know I can't stop, you know me. You can stay with me here, like you always should have been. Here in my arms, (Y/N)."

Harry stood there, taking in the situation. He finally started to act. Arguing with Tom. I was desperately trying to save Ginny's life. I wasn't paying any attention to the battle that had started. I looked up and saw Harry was bitten by the basilisk. He had taken the basilisk's fang out and eventually he was able to pull Godric Gryffindor's sword out of the sorting hat and kill the snake.

I ran up to Harry and took the basilisk fang from him. I walked up to Tom and kissed him despite all the hatred I felt. I explained to Harry that since this was the horcrux with my soul in it as well, I wasn't sure what was going to happen to me, and with a short "I'm sorry Tom" I dug the basilisk fang into the diary.

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