Bet Part 2--Fred Weasley x Reader

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Part two was requested by jackfrost104 and AwesomBookLover17. I am thinking about writing a Part 3 just because I really like this story, but I won't unless it is requested.


~~~~ YOUR POV ~~~~

I had been avoiding Fred since he asked me out. I couldn't stand to see him. It broke my heart knowing that the only reason he asked me out was a bet. I didn't know how to face him. I admitted my crush to him, and he didn't even mean it.

I fell into a deep state of depression. I avoided everyone. I would wake up early, before my roommates, eat breakfast before anybody else even showed up. I sat in the back of every class, and stayed quiet. I headed straight to my next class as soon as one was over. During any break I was in my bed. I wouldn't dare sit in the (Y/H) common room in fear of anybody striking up a conversation with me. I spent every day with the least amount of human contact as possible. I would only talk to my professors, and occasionally a student or two. I knew my friends were worried, but since they weren't in (Y/H) I could avoid them easily.

Two days before the Hogsmeade trip, I ran into Fred, literally. I turned around and tried to walk away as quickly as I could, but a hand grabbed my arm, and turned me around.

~~~~ FRED'S POV ~~~~

(Y/N) was avoiding me. I had no idea why. I asked her out, and she told me she liked me. Had she changed her mind?

Two days before our date, I ran into her, literally. I muttered an apology, but when I saw her (H/L) (H/C) hair, I knew it was her, and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"You're avoiding me. Why?" I asked.

"I'm avoiding everyone if you haven't noticed," she spat, "now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

"Why are you avoiding everyone?"

"Did George bet you to ask me that too?" I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I accidentally left my book when you asked me out. I saw George paying you, and congratulating you for winning the bet."

I sighed, "George did bet me that you wouldn't go out with me, but he only did it because he knows I like you. I promise that I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't like you. I really hope that you know I'm not that much of a jerk. Please give me a chance (Y/N)."

"I don't know, Fred," she sighed.

"Please (Y/N)! I never wanted to hurt you, I didn't meant to hurt you, and if you can't see that then I don't know what to tell you," I begged.

~~~~ YOUR POV ~~~~

I sighed again.

"I never wanted to hurt you (Y/N)! I never want to hurt you again. I promise."


"Promise, love," he told me, gently running his hand down my face, and resting it under my chin, lifting my head up slightly. He pulled me into a kiss, and wrapped his hands around my waist. My fingers found his hair.

Once we pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine. "I love you. I love you so damn much, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

"I love you too Fred Weasley, I love you too."

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