"Well then.....alright so I guess I'll just come and pick you up later you have fun and don't give Cat and your dad any trouble alright I love you baby girl" she said hugging her and kissing her forehead, Alyssa's not a bad mom I just ain't feeling some of the shit I been peeping but I know August is smarter than he was a few years back.

"Okay mommy I love you too" she said kissing her cheek.

I zipped up the baby bag then went into the hallway closet and pulled Elijah's stroller out and took it out to the car and put it in the trunk, just as I was stepping back in August ran down the stairs in something similar to what AJ had on and I shook my head as I walked back in he came up behind me and held onto my waist and we waddled into the kitchen and Alyssa was holding Elijah rocking slightly.

"He uh started fussing so I took him out I hope you don't mind" she said bouncing him.

"No no I don't but we're gonna leave out we'll probably be back around 8 or 9 and if you still want to you can come pick up Nayla" I said pulling my phone out my pocket cause it was ringing.


"Hello is this Mrs. Alsina?"

"Yes this is she, how may I help you"

"This is Craig from Idiana Productions (made up) I was calling you about a job offer and we were wondering if you could come in today"

"Um that's amazing and all but today's my only free day I have to spend with my husband and kids is it possible I can come in at another time?" I said as Elijah started getting fussy again, I picked him up and rocked him gently.

"Sure of course how does tomorrow at 12:00 sharp sound to you?"

"That sounds great thank you Craig" I said smiling.

"No problem enjoy your day Mrs. Alsina"

"You too bye" I said before hanging up.

I saw August watching and I gave him that little 'I'll tell you later' look and strapped Elijah back in, and grabbed his bag.

"Baby I'll carry him cmon, Lil beasts let's go!" August yelled making Elijah laugh. I looked at him and shook my head, he gone be just like his damn father, I put Elijah's bag in between the front seats and got into the drivers seat while August strapped him in and the kids go in and fixed themselves.

About 30 minutes later we were pulling up to the mall Zoey and Nayla hadn't stopped talking since they got in the car together, I looked at August as I parked the car he put in his headphones 5 minutes into the ride cause he said they were talking to much mind you whose kids are they?? We got out and I helped the girls out while August took the stroller from the back AJ crawled over the seat and climbed down and went to where his sisters were standing, I took Elijah's car seat out and hooked him into the stroller then made sure the car was locked up properly before heading towards the mall entrance.
"Babe what exactly we getting from here?" August asked as we watched the kids in front of us.

"Whatever the kids want today is about them plus I need to get them some stuff for school" I said looking at Elijah through the net of the stroller.

"Ohh okay then, you feeling okay? I kind of noticed ya attitude shift this morning" I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, its just that dream you were talking about is kind of stuck on me, I don't know what would happen if it came true I'd hate to leave my kids like that especially my little Lijah even though he's getting bigger I wouldn't want either of my kids without a mom not to mention that whole Alyssa thing don't get me wrong I don't hate the girl or anything shit we kind of cool I love her daughter like my own I just noticed a few things I don't like that she does" I said shrugging.

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