Begin Again

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A year and a half after everything that happened, and my morning started like any other.

"Lyric!" Casen called, knocking on my door. "Get up! We've got work!" I rolled over and whined into my pillow, not wanting to get up. Casen swung the door open and pulled my blanket off. "Up," he ordered.

I whined again and opened one eye, glancing at the time. 7:48.

"Holy shit!" I shouted. I jumped up and slipped a black tank top over my bra, grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans and running down the hall to Micah's room.

"Baby, you're gonna be late for school!" I shouted, banging on the door. I hopped into the living room as I pulled my jeans over my legs, trying to wiggle them on as I searched for my white converse high tops.

"Micah!" I shouted again, my jeans pulled up to my ass, a white sneaker in hand as I ran back to my room to grab some socks. Casen was sitting on my bed, smirking at me. 7:53.

"What are you smiling at! Why isn't Micah up yet! MICAH YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE TO SCHOOL!" I tried to put my socks on standing up and fell on the floor, hitting my head on my dresser.

"SHIT!" I screamed, grabbing my head, a sock hanging off my left foot. "FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Casen burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing!?" I shouted angrily.

"I took Micah to Ariana's last night," he told me. "She took him to school today."

"For fucks sake," I groaned, sitting up and still rubbing my head. Casen kept laughing as he helped me up and we walked to the kitchen. Casen grabbed me an ice pack as I sat at the kitchen island. He handed it to me before walking over to the coffee maker. He made us both cups and we sat at the island, enjoying our coffee in silence. When we finished, I finished getting dressed, brushed my teeth and pulled my shoes on.

"Ready to fight through swarms of paparazzi?" Casen teased. I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him. I grabbed my car keys and took a deep breath at the door. Then the two of us stepped out and were swarmed immediately by flashing cameras and microphones. We fought our way through to my car and took off to work.

"Typical day in the life of Lyric Summers, right?" Casen laughed. I sighed.

"Typical day in the life of Lyric Summers," I sighed.

this is a shitty ch I'm sorry I'm watching a sad movie & just not really motivated bc Ari doesn't really come in for a while so not too much drama yet & there's gonna b a lot of drama in this story yas

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