"That was my brother, YES. I just found out I had a brother after all these years. He knew everything about the situation with my parents, they put him up for adoption and he finally found me." I said while blinking back tears.

"Wow, that's amazing. I'm so happy that you have someone in your family you can finally rely on. What's his name?" She asked.

"Marco! That's cute isn't it?" I asked her. She smiled.

"Yeah it is, he's a very handsome man. How old is he? He got kids? A girlfriend?" She asked. I bussed out laughing, mama Sheila a trip.

"He's 5 years older than me so 23, and i don't know, I didn't ask." I said while pulling up into    Mama Sheila's driveway, I dropped her off.

I made my way home and I got a call on my phone from Michael.

Me- hel--

Michael- Malaysia get to the hospital now! August been shot, he got shot 3 times. Once in the chest and twice in the arm.

Me- wha-what?! I'm on my way! Michael please promise me he's okay, he's gonna be okay!

Michael- Malaysia, I can't promise that... He's a strong man, he should get through it.

Me- *crying* *sobbing*

Michael- Please Malaysia, stop crying. I promise you he's gonna be okay

Me- Michael, I can't see him die! When I arrive at the hospital I better not hear no flat line. *crying*

Michael- Don't think so negatively, it's all in gods hands. It's not his time to go, trust me. I love you.

Me- .... I- I love you too Michael. Bye

The line went dead and I soon pulled into the hospital parking lot. I punched the steering wheel a couple times before getting out. I ran to the check in desk and the lady was ghetto and talking on the phone with some bitch named Latoya. I was getting impatient.


"Ooo rudeness, room 303. *rolls eyes* yeah Latoya I'm back, just some lil girl yelling nonsense." Bitch said.

"You lucky I'm in a rush cause I would snatch them eyes out your fucking skull bitch." I said while semi running to the elevator. I got to the 300 hall and ran to his room.

"August!?" I said. His mom was there, Chris, Michael, and even Amare.... Tf was he doing here? I thought to myself.

I just started crying at his bedside, I couldn't do anything but cry. "Come on yall, let her get her alone time with him." Mama Sheila said. They all left the room.

"August, please baby please wake up. I can't do this without you. Please wake up! You have family, friends, fans here for you. I need to know that you're okay. *sniffles* We have 2 beautiful baby girls coming to this world really soon, I-I don't want them to grow up fatherless. I had to grow up mother and fatherless.. August I love you. I don't want this to be the last I see you. Laying in this cold hospital, this is breaking my heart.... Whoever shot you is gonna get theirs, but enough of that. Just wake up August please, I'll be by your side each and everyday. No matter what, I'll have these twins right here. I don't want to have them without you being right there in that hospital room holding my hand. You gotta do this, open your eyes. Open them August. Please, I'd die without you......" I said letting all my tears fall, I didn't even care to wipe them at this point. I just want my baby to wake up.

"August, please baby please wake up. I can't do this without you. Please wake up! You have family, friends, fans here for you. I need to know that you're okay. *sniffles* We have 2 beautiful baby girls coming to this world really soon, I-I don't want them to grow up fatherless. I had to grow up mother and fatherless.. August I love you. I don't want this to be the last I see you. Laying in this cold hospital, this is breaking my heart.... Whoever shot you is gonna get theirs, but enough of that. Just wake up August please, I'll be by your side each and everyday. No matter what, I'll have these twins right here. I don't want to have them without you being right there in that hospital room holding my hand. You gotta do this, open your eyes. Open them August. Please, I'd die without you....." I heard Malaysia say. I'm trying to open my eyes for her but it feel like they're glued shut, I want to tell her I'm okay God, I want her to know I'm not dying God. If you let me open my eyes right here right now Lord, imma go to church, imma get right with you, I'm gonna be the best father and boyfriend I can be. Just please lemme open my eyes.

I tried and tried but my eyes just wouldn't open. I was gonna give up until I felt one of Malaysia's tears drop on my cheek. Then boom my eyes shot open, I tried to talk but my mouth was so damn dry, so I coughed instead. Malaysia's head shot up.

"August! I'm glad you're okay, I thought I lost you. I almost beat that clerk bitch in the lobby cause she wouldn't tell me your room." She said hugging me.

"Ouch, shit. But nah I was good, I can take a couple shots ma. I can't believe someone shot me though. I think Ama--" I got cut off by my mom, Chris, Michael, and Amare walkin' in. HOLD TF UP WHY TF HE IN HERE? I KNOW FORSURE HE GOT SOMEONE TO SHOOT AT ME.

"Are you ok baby?" My mom asked me. I looked at Amare he was on the phone texting

"Yeah ma' I'm good, you know I can take a couple shots. But whoever shot at me ... Ha, they gone get theirs." I said.

Yeah they defiantly gone get theirs cause Smoke is back. Rather people like it or not, they tried to kill me... Im ending everybody career.. No offense every R&B singer. But smoke is back and I'm here to fuck yo wife! *Jerome Voice*

Started from the ghetto (August Alsina/India Westbrooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now