Midorima Shintarou x Reader - Convention

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(At Anime Convention)

"Shin- chan, hurry up." You whined, yanking onto your boyfriends arm.

"Be patient nanodayo, I'm trying to pay." He said, giving the cashier $25, for your Free! bag.

"Hurry up and give him money, there's a figure over there and I really want it."

"B-but I got you a figure already." He said, furrowing his eye brows.

"But the one you got me was fake and the one over there is real, and it's waay nicer."

"Huh, whatever Nanodayo." He sighed. "Here's your bag."

"Can you hold it?" You asked him, giving him puppy eyes.

"No." He said in an instant, giving you a straight face.

"Shin-chan, I have to hold this stick!" You pouted. You and Midorima are cosplaying from Magi, you were Judar and he was Sinbad. It took a lot of persuasion, to get him to dress up as Sinbad, but luckily the work paid off.

"No, Nanodayo. I'm already holding your pillow, your figures, your plushies and your posters, I'm also carrying your back pack. Just hold your bag."

"Hmph." You pouted.

"Come' on, don't you want your figure." He said, trying to make you smile.

"YEAH." You holler, as your face lit up. Grabbing a hold of Midorima's free hand, you dragged him to the booth that sold the figure. Running there quickly, you grabbed a hold of the figure before another person could grab it.

"This is the one." You said, holding up a figure of Hinata from Haikyuu. As you fonded over it, Midorima ruined your parade when he asked you "How much does it cost?"

"It's $200." You said quickly, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"Do you have enough money?" He asked, pinching his nose bridge. Looking into your wallet, all you saw was a penny and two nickels.

"No." You said sadly, as a frown formed on your face. "But I really want it." Seeing the frown on your face, Midorima wanted you to smile even though he couldn't comfort you, he'd try using his actions.

"Tch, Give me that." He said, grabbing it out of your hand.

"Excuse me sir, may I get this figure for 170, instead of 200?" He asked the owner.

"uh... Yeah."

Midorima, opened his wallet, grabbed $170 and handed it to the man. "Thank you." Midorima said, placing the figure into your bag.

"EEKK, THANK YOU." You squealed, throwing your arms around him, giving him a squeeze.

"Whatever." He said, averting his eyes, as his cheeks turned pink. "Hey what time's the concert?"

"SHIT! The concerts starting in 5 minutes, come on Shin-chan." You said. Grabbing a hold of his arm, you drag him to the concert as quickly as you could, pulling him through a crowd of people, until someone stopped you.

"Excuse me, can I have a picture with you." She asked, holding up her camera. Being the kind person you were, you agreed, putting down the stuff you both were holding; you both posed. Unfortunately though, After she took the photo, more people began to ask for photos. One by one people pulled out there camera and took a picture of you and your boyfriend.

'Geez, hurry up, I wanna go see the concert.' You mentally yelled at the photographers. As you held the fake smile, all you could think about was the concert, you could hear the sounds of the fans cheering. Suddenly you heard the band playing their first song. 'Shit, Shit, Shit.' You panicked.

"Thank you." The last photographer said bowing.

"You're welcome." You said quickly, before picking up your items. "Hurry up, Shin-chan."

"kay." You both ran down the hall way and into the gym where they were playing the concert. As you ran down the stairs, you heard Midorima saying something to you. "Where do we put our stuff?"

"What?" The music was too loud, and you couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Where do we put our stuff?" He yelled into your ear.

"Oh, just put it on the bleacher, no one will take it." You said to him, pointing at the bleacher.

"Okay, give me your stuff I'll go put it there." He said, grabbing the bag and stick from your hand. "You go down first, I'll find you once I get there."

"Okay." You nodded, running down to the dance floor, you try to squeeze through the crowd to get closer to the front. Unfortunately since you were petite, you ended up getting pushed out of the crowd. Standing there in disappointment, you kept trying. Jumping up and down to get glimpse of the band, but unfortunately it was no use, everyone in front of you were either to tall or they were jumping too. As you were about to leave, you felt your self being lifted and placed onto their shoulders. Looking down, you saw a certain someone. "Shin-chan."

"Can you see?" He asked, staring straight so that you couldn't see his face.

"Yeah." You giggled, giving him a kiss on the top of his head. "Can you see?"

"I'm 6'4, of course I can see, Nanodayo."

"I was just making sure." You laughed, throwing you hands into the air. "WOOHOO"

"Your lucky I love you, Baka." Midorima mumbled, as a small smile grew on his face.



So yeah, I was suppose to write this story after the convention I went to; But instead of writing it, I wrote Kise's story and Aomine's story. Um... the band I actually got to listen to was FLOW! also known as the band who sung most of Naruto's openings and endings. It was pretty cool, so many people were there and they were really energetic. It was kinda gross too, since some of those people were really sweaty from all the dancing and shouting. But overall it was great, unfortunately though, I could not get their autograph because the line was really long and I didn't know if I wanted to buy their CD. This story was inspired by a family I saw. I saw a little boy who was at the back and couldn't see the band, then his father picked him up and put him on his shoulder. Which I thought was super cute.

Anyways, Request is OPEN, but is slow. Oh and I finished my second AMV!!! And currently working on my third, I'm hoping to enter it into a contest.

With love Mako-chan <3


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