Kise Ryouta x Reader - Pity part 3

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'Is this what it feels like to lose someone so special to you? So much pain and agony. If it is then love to me doesn't exist. If love can make someone feel this way, than I swear never to love again, no matter how much love is thrown at me, I will not accept it. For if I do, then I will feel agony and pain once more, which I could not bare.'

"Hey fat ass, I heard your so call boyfriend dumped you." A black haired boy said, as you walked down the halls. Ignoring him, you began to speed up. "Are you trying to ignore me? Well if you are, it's not going to work. Remember last time you did that? Well if you don't want it to happen again you'll listen to me."

"..." Still ignoring him you began to speed up the paste.

"HEY DON'T IGNORE ME!!" He yelled, grabbing onto your (H/C) pony tail, pulling you back.

"Ow let go!" You screamed, everyone down the hall way turned and looked to your direction. Watching as the male grabbed you by your hair. "I said let go!"

"What? I didn't hear you. Did you say that you wanted Kise? Well jokes on you, he hates you, he won't come for your rescue, no one will." He chuckled, tugging on it harder, making you lose your balance. Falling onto your butt, you felt tears threatening to make there way down your cheek. Holding it in, you fought back, pushing the guy away from you.

"I don't care if he doesn't love me, I don't want it." You said, biting the guys hand, causing him to release your hair.

"What the f*** you B****." The guy yelled grabbing ahold of the area you had bitten.

"I'm not that girl from back then, I've changed. I'm stronger than before, I don't need anyone, not Kimi, not Sora and Not Kise." You said, getting up. "I'm stronger than before."

Leaving the boy there, you felt people staring at you, as their mean words pierced into you. Staying strong, you kept walking holding your head high. Although what they were saying was mean, it didn't hurt you. After the incident, your feelings went numb. It was impenetrable, no one could hurt you, yet no one could make you smile. Everything that was important and special to you left you, there was nothing that you had cared about more than him. Some say you're just cold hearted others say that people like you are meant to be like this. But the actual reason is because you're afraid. You're afraid that someone will hurt you like he had done to you. You couldn't bare feel agony again.

As you walked to your class, you heard someone calling your name.

"Ne (Y/N)-chan!" Turning around you saw a short, brown haired girl running towards you, screaming your name continuously.

"What do you want?" You said angrily, quickening your pace.

"Um, can I talk to you?" She asked.

"What do you wanna talk about, if its about how you and Kise are doing really well then leave me out of it." You retorted, walking away from her.

"No that's not it, and besides Kise's dating Kimi. When I asked him out he said that he didn't want to date a girl who was weak." She said, looking down at the floor.

"Okay, so how does this involve me?" You said giving her the cold shoulder.

"Well I wanted to just ask you, will you help me break up those two?" She said, smacking her hand over her mouth after saying it.

"Why would you wanna break up your best friend with her boyfriend, isn't it a bit cruel?"

"I know it is, but she's been giving me the cold shoulder lately. Also she's been ignoring me and picking on me."

"Well sucks to be you." You said.

"Wait, don't you still love Kise? If they break up, maybe I could help you get back with him." You felt your heart clench a bit, as tears began to form. Shaking it off, you began to chuckle.

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