Midorima Shintarou x Reader - Party

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"Okay Takao, at 5:00 o'clock, me and Shintarou will show up at the Karaoke bar. And when he gets here that's when you guys pop out to surprise him. Okay?" You said to a blacked haired boy.

"Okay, but be here sharp, before everyone gets bored and leaves." Takao says giving you a smile.

"Okay, well I better get going, before he leaves." You said waving good bye to your friend. 'Now where is that carrot?" You said to your self, looking down the hall way.

"Who you calling carrot." A certain voice said. Turning around, you see you boyfriend standing behind you.

"Oh Shin, I was looking for you. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today." You said.

"I don't know, I was just gonna go home and study nanodayo." He said, pushing his glasses up.

"Come on, it's your birthday. Lets celebrate." You said, grabbing ahold of his hand.

"Tch, I was hoping no one would remember my birthday." He said, running his hand through his hair.

"Shin-chan, you should be proud that people remember your birthday." You said, smacking him on the arm.

"Huh, I just don't want people to make a big fuss over it." He said, giving you a small glare.

"Why? You should be happy, at least people remember. Mines always forgotten." You said looking down at your shoes.

"Tch fine, what do you wanna do for my birthday?" He sighed.

"Really, you wanna do something for your birthday?" You grinned.

"Well, if it makes you happy than yeah. But don't expect this to happen all the time." He said, as his face was flushed with pink.

"EEEEKKK! I love you Shin-chan!!!!" You squealed, throwing a beat hug at him.

"Okay nanodayo, get off of me." He said trying to pry you off of him. Releasing him, you give him a small kiss on the cheek.

"I will check the movie time for... Um... Jurassic world." You said, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Looking down at you iPhone, you saw that the movie started at 5:00PM. 'Shit, maybe I should do something different with him till 5:00.' You thought to yourself. "Um Shin-chan, about the movie, I don't wanna see it anymore. I wanna go to the mall."

"No, I let's go see the movie." He said, looking down at his watch. "We'll make in time for the 5:00 o'clock movie."

"But I don't feel like watching a film anymore." You whined.

"No, we have to watch a movie. It's my lucky item of the day." He said, pushing the bridge of his glasses up.


"No buts, it's my birthday nanodayo. Now come on, or we'll be late for the bus." He said, grabbing a hold of your hand, while pulling you out the door.


As you both waited for the bus, you were getting nervous. You were suppose to bring him to the karaoke bar, but if you guys go see the movie, then you won't be able too. That's when it came to you. Maybe if you stalled time so that you would miss the movie, maybe you won't have to go. Looking down at your clock, it was 4:15PM, the bus was coming in 5 minutes. At that moment you found a devious plan that would make you both miss the bus.

"Shin-chan, I need to go the bathroom." You said, jumping up and down.

"What? Can't you just wait till we get there?"he said, giving you a dirty look.

"Nuh uh, I can't hold it." You whined.

"Tch fine, but be quick. There's a rest room inside." He said pointing at the bus station.

"Okay I'll be out as soon as possible." You said. Swing the door open, you ran into the bathroom. 'Okay now I need to stand here for about 10 minutes.' Standing there, you just played dots on your phone.


'Yes, finally I can leave.' As you left the bathroom, you saw the bus there. As you were about to turn around to go back to the bathroom, you felt someone grab you. Turning you saw your angered boyfriend.

"Come on, lets go before it leaves." He said, dragging you onto the bus.

TIME SKIP - at the theatre.

As both of you sat in the theatre, you began to get nervous again. Biting your lower lip, you kept looking down at your phone for the time. 'Shit, I have to find out a way to get him to the party. If I don't then I'm screwed. Wait what if I say that I have really bad cramps and that I wanted to go home. Wait no, that's not a good plan. What if....'

"You okay Nanodayo?" He said, cutting you off from your daze.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." You said taking a drink from your soda.

"Um, I only bought one popcorn. So do you mind if we share?" He said putting the popcorn on your lap.

"Yeah, it's fine." You said, continuously tapping your foot on the floor. All of a sudden, you felt his hand on your lap, causing you to stop tapping your foot. Looking up at him, you felt your face turn burning hot.

"The movies starting." He said, removing his hand from your thigh.

As you watched the movie, you felt your heart racing. You sat there in distress, biting the lower part of your lip to try calming your self. But unfortunately it didn't work. Midorima could tell you were nervous.

"Nanodayo, are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah I am." You said.

"Okay of you are then relax." He said.

"Okay." You said, releasing your bottom lip. Sitting there calmly, you began to enjoy the movie.


As the film ended, you totally forgot about the party. Until you left the theatre.

"So did you enjoy the film?" He asked you.

"Um, yeah I did. I actually really like it." You said. Taking your phone out of your pocket, you saw (5) missed calls, and 59 texts unread. Remembering about the party, you began to panic again. "Shit, Shin, we have to go to the party." You said, realizing what you just said, you smacked you hand over your mouth. 'Shit shit, I blew the cover. Stupid, stupid' you mentally beat your self up.

"There's no need to panic. I already knew about it. That is why I wanted to go watch a movie." He said, pushing his glasses up. "And beside I'd rather spend my birthday with my girlfriend."

"Really?" You said, as you began to smile.

"Y-yeah." He stuttered, as red blush crept on his face.

"I love you." You squealed, giving him a hug.

"I...... L-l-l-o-v-v-e...... Y-y-you too." He manages to say.

"Aww, you're warming up to me." You giggled.

"Shut up Nanodayo." He said averting his eyes.

"So then, we probably missed the party, so what do you wanna do now?" You asked him.

"Well go downtown for the summer festival?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that." You said, giving him a kiss on the lips.




Takao - "Where the hell is (Y/N)-chan?"

Otsubo- "can we go home yet?"

Miyaji- "Damn that carrot!"


So yeah I'm sorry I updated this story near the end of Shintarou's birthday, it's just that I was super busy.

With love mako-chan


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