Himuro x reader - This Is How We Never Dated Part 2

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Himuro x reader- this is how we never dated part 2


Jumping out of bed you smacked at your hello kitty alarm clock turning it off. Stretching your arms, you remember that today was the day you were gonna become friends with him. Excitingly, you grab your uniform, changing into it while singing along to Girls just wanna have fun. By Cyndi Lauper.

RING RING, you pick up your phone to see that (B/F/N)-chan is tying to call you. "Moshi Moshi." You answered.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)-chan are you ready to go, I'm waiting outside!"she said, you then hear tapping noises on your window, when you turn to see what it is you see pebbles being thrown at your window. You walked towards the window, opening the blinds slowly you see your best friend outside throwing pebbles at your window to get your attention. (B/F/N) notices you and waves her hand in the air, "HEY, I SEE YOU!" She screams in the phone, making you face palm.

"I'll be right there."you hung up on her, grabbing your backpack stuffing all your school work and your phone into your (F/C) bag. Running down the stairs you grab a granola before you leave. You and (B/F/N) made your way to Yosen.

TIME SKIP (you're in your desk)

"Huh" you sigh once again watching the raven hair boy walk into class. "Morning." He says to you, red blush began to creep on your face.

"Morning" you said back nervously, you could feel the butterflies in your stomach ready to explode. Looking down at your work you began to think a bout what you should say to him, "So Himuro, nice weather we're having." You both turned looking outside, the sky was dark, and it was raining cat and dogs out there. Himuro just began to chuckle.

"You're very funny (Y/N)-chan." Himuro chuckled turning back to his work. Your face was completely red from the embarrassment and also because he complemented you, you think.


At the end of class you made little progress, you both made jokes and talked a bit.

"See ya tomorrow (Y/N)-chan." He said waving bye to you. You waved back smiling, after he left you began to dance, because now you and Himuro are friends-ish, you still needed to get closer to him which was gonna be hard.

You pick up all your work putting into your bag, throwing it over your back you ran out the classroom searching for your friends to them all about your progress.

TIME SKIP AGAIN (at Maji burger)

"So did you make any progress?" (B/F/N) asked you while drinking a vanilla milk shake.

"Well, I guess we started talking and he actually notices me!" You said biting into your BLT burger.

"Oh my god, that's great you're actually making progress!" She screamed excitingly, which grabbed people's attention, now they were looking at you and (B/F/N).

"You gotta talk quieter!" You scolded your best friend trying to shake off the fact that many people were staring at you.

TIME SKIP (so sorry about how there are so many time skip!)

A couple days past, but nothing. You made no progress, It felt like he didn't wanna talk to you, like once you were trying to get his attention by talking about basketball, but he just turned the other cheek and made conversation with another girl!


"Hey (Y/N)-chan, it's almost valentines day, why won't you ask out you know who." Your friend said nudging his/her head at Himuro.

"No! We aren't that close yet, so even if I ask him he'll probably reject me!" You crossed your arms, turning in the other direction, this only made your friend laugh. You sighed and stomped away, keeping your distance to PEOPLE who couldn't make it more obvious about who you like.

Kuroko no Basket X Reader 「UNDER EDITING」Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora