Chapter 33 Mom and Dad

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Mom and Dad

"We will be descending shortly. Please buckle your seat belts." I heard the pilot say as we towered over my home town. Thomas looked out the window in awe. He smiled and licked his lips like he always does. I bit my nails and looked down to the row beside us where Dyl and George were and smiled. When I turned back towards Thomas we both had our fingers in our mouths. I pulled my fingers out and smiled. Thomas did too. We then started laughing and cuddled up together. We shortly landed.

Getting off the plane was really crowded and Thomas and I were the last ones getting off. Before leaving I couldn't find my phone. I checked my bags but they weren't there. I rushed back to my seat and found it in the pocket. I sighed picking it up. I turned around and saw a male flight attendant standing there and smiling.

"Um...hello." I said scouting past him. He grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"You're hot." He said as he smirked even more. I widened my eyes and slowly backed up.

"Um...Thomas." I said still staring at the man wide eyed. Thomas came up behind me and glared at the man. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. The man then widened his eyes.

"Oh, you're not single. Sorry." He said walking away. I sighed and grabbed Thomas's arm as we walked off of the plane. We then intertwined our fingers and kept moving forward.

"Well that was awkward." Thomas said tightening his grasp on my hand. I nodded then replied a small 'yea'. We found Georgina and Dylan after that and scavenged for food. Thomas searched the place for maple candy (obviously) and sighed when he found none. I giggled.

"We have some at my place." I said smiling. Thomas smiled back and stopped at a 'Tim Hortons'.

"I think I've heard of this place before. Do they sell good coffee?" He asked me grabbing his wallet. I was shocked. Timmy's is da bomb!

"Oh hell yes!" I said smiling widely. I walked up to the counter and ordered a small skinny caramel latte then waited for Thomas' order. He looked puzzled them ordered a frozen capuchino. Georgina the same as Thomas and Dylan ordered a small frozen lemonade. Was I the only one freezing cold or something? I'm the only one who got a warm drink. We all got breakfast sandwiches and found a taxi to drive home. First we dropped off Georgina and Dylan then went to my place. When we got all of our bags and stuff out the taxi I turned to Thomas.

"My mom loves to hug and my dad will glare at you. He hasn't liked any of my previous boyfriends, but when he meets you he'll love you." I said with a huge grin. Thomas widened his eyes and smirked a fake smiled.

"Hehe." Thomas said looking at my front door. "Lovely." He then laughed aloud. I suddenly got sweaty palms and I sighed. I turned to Thomas and smiled. I then knocked. My smiled widened when I heard my dog Mazee bark. Thomas smiled and looked at the door. It then flung open.

"Meymey!" My mother hollered pulling me into a huge hug. I laughed into the hug and squeezed tightly. "I missed you so so so SO much my babydoll." I mom said her voice muffled as her head was on my neck. We then pulled away and I smiled widely. I turned to Thomas and rapped my right arm around his torso. He did so to me too.

"Mom," I began but was cut off by my mothers screams of joy. She squeezed Thomas so hard making him drop his suitcase. He widened his eyes and giggled silently returning the hug. My mom pulled away and stared at him. I could tell Thomas was nervous and slightly uncomfortable because he backed up a bit. My mom looked at him top to bottom and smiled.

"He seems like a nice boy, and he's good looking." She said winking. I blushed and so did Thomas.

"Mom." I said rolling my eyes and chewing my nails. My dad then came out and hugged me. When he pulled away he glared at Thomas. Typical.

"Who's the guy?" He said staring Thomas down. Thomas backed up more almost falling off of the stairs. I caught him before he fell. He smiled back and looked up at my dad.

"Mom, dad," I began. I took in a huge sighed then looked up at them. "This here, is Thomas. Thomas Brodie-Sangster." My dad looked really confused so i took another huge sigh. "He's my boyfriend." I said so quietly I could barely even hear myself. Thomas smiled widely and my dad glared. He walked up to Thomas and looked up at him. Thomas looked really scared. I stepped in between them and pushed my dad away. "Dad, what are you doing?" I asked blocking Thomas. My dad looked at me then at Thomas. He stepped into the house and ran upstairs. I looked at mom and she faked a smile.

"Don't worry Thomas. He just doesn't want anyone to hurt his little girl. Come in, come in." She said walking into the house. I smiled to Thomas and picked up my stuff. He did the same and we waked into the house. I ran downstairs and put our stuff down in the spare room. Thomas did the same. I then took him on a tour of the house. Of coarse my dog Mazee wouldn't shut up and kept barking at Thomas. He laughed. I showed him the kitchen, my mom and dads room, my brothers old room, and the basement.

We then arrived outside my room. 

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