Chapter 20 The Comment

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The Comment
I woke up the next morning around 11:30am. I realized that I was cuddled up with Thomas in bed. Since I have a terrible memory I couldn't remember what happened after the attack. I slowly lifted the covers to see if I was still dressed and thankfully I was. I turned my body so I faced Thomas. He was so cute when he slept. I decided to make breakfast for Thomas so I slipped out of bed unnoticed. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out some pancake mix and a waffle maker. When the mix was done I made some waffles and decorated them with fruit and syrup. I placed them on the table and put some orange juice out. When I turned around Thomas was standing there shirtless. I smirked then ran up to him and kissed him.

"Are you cooking for me?" He asked as I giggled. I nodded then looked down at his abs. Six pack. Nice! I then looked up at him and he blushed.

"I like the view Sangster." I blushed as I leaned in and kissed him. He picked me up and I giggled.

"Yea, well let's eat this beautiful breakfast shall we?" He gestured and sat me down in my chair. I grabbed my phone and texted Georgina.

Hey! Wanna come swimming with Thomas and I today?

I giggled and looked at Thomas. He had a raspberry in his mouth to make it look like a pair of lips. I laughed and took a picture. He widened his eyes and tried to reach for it. Just then I received a text from Georgina.

Of course! What time?

I looked up at Thomas and smiled.

"Tom? Do you wanna go swimming today?" I asked. Thomas almost choked on his food then swallowed. I sat there shocked. "What?" I questioned with concern.

"After what happened when we tried to go swimming last time? You still wanna go?" He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned closer.

"That was a one time thing. Please?" I pouted with my lip out. Thomas sighed then said 'yes'. I then told George around 2:40pm. I finished eating and ran to my room. I pulled Thomas into the room with me and shut the door. I pulled him into the bathroom and smirked.

"Selfie?" I asked Thomas. Thomas shook his head and smiled.

"You girls and your selfies." He giggled rapping his arms around my torso. I pointed the camera to our mirror and snapped the pic. I looked at the picture and smiled. I was smiling as Thomas kissed my cheek and rapped his arms around my torso. I giggled and kissed him. I then took another picture while we kissed. I collaged the two pictures and posted it on Instagram. I commented on my picture 'with my most fav guy, love you Tommy'. Thomas then ran to his room to change into his swim suit.

After getting my black bikini on I checked Instagram. When I did I noticed several comments on my picture with Thomas. My smile faded into a hurt look. There were so many hate comments, not even one good comment. I read things like 'what an ugly bitch you are' and 'am I the only one who wants to kill this girl' and 'how does he like her'. I dropped my phone and shoved my hands in my face. Thomas knocked on the door and I sobbed. He opened the door and realized I was crying. He lunged at me and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong love?" He asked rubbing my arm. I shook my head and looked him in the eyes. My face was tear stained and cold. I handed Thomas my phone and cried again. He read the comment and got the look of anger on his face. He pulled his phone out and downloaded Instagram. He made and account and followed me. I soon read on my picture what Thomas wrote.

"How disrespectful of you all. I love Megan with all of my heart and that will never change. You people are such idiots so move on with your life. She is perfect and you're all jealous of what beauty I have." When I read his comment I looked up at him and kissed his lips. All I thought about at that giving moment, was my Thomas. I loved him and would do anything for him.

Just like he did for me.

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