Chapter 29 Surgery

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I grabbed my phone and texted Georgina telling her to come to the hospital. Then there was a knock on the door. I lifted my head while the tears kept spilling. The doctor came in.

"Hello Ms. Durand. I'm doctor Shepard, or Derek as you say. I will be performing your open brain Neurosurgery today. Are you ready to go?" He asked with a grin. He then scanned the room and looked back at me. "Where'd your boyfriend go?" He asked me. I couldn't hold it in. I bawled.

"He's no longer my b-boyfriend." I choked up. Doctor Shepard came over to me and hugged me. He rubbed my back and whispered sweet things.

"I'm so sorry. I bet you were just doing it to protect him? Because I saw how much you two loved each other." He sighed. Just then Georgina ran in.

"What happened? Where's Thomas?" She asked I bawled even more and Derek looked over at Georgina.

"Do you want some alone time?" He asked. I nodded. Derek then left the room. I explained everything to Georgina. How I was just protecting him, and how I was still in love with him. Georgina glared at me.

"What?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Now Dylan is going to want to break up with me. He'll be mad at you for hurting his best friend and since you're my best friend he'll hate me!" She hollered. I glared at her.

"Are you seriously taking this out on me?" I screamed. Georgina stood up and walked out the door. "What the hell! Fine! Screw you George!" I hollered. (I don't mean it George.) my eyes filled with tears. Derek walked in again with another female doctor.

"Ms. Durand, this is doctor Meredith Grey. She will be scrubbing in on your surgery." He smiled. Meredith held out a hand and smiled too. I shook her hand and sighed.

"I'm ready for surgery."

We then rolled to the O.R.

When I was all prepped and ready to start the surgery Meredith smiled at me.

"You ready?" She asked I nodded. She then sighed and closed her eyes. "Your friend, she is mad at you?" She asked. I nodded again holding back tears.

"Are you and Derek together? I'm sorry. I need something to set my mind on besides you know what." She grinned and stroked my arm.

"Don't apologize. And yes. Derek in my husband." I nodded then said I was ready. They injected the fluid into my arm and my eyelids grew heavier. Before I fell asleep I saw someone I didn't expect to see. I gasped then fell into darkness.

It was Thomas.

Three hours later

I woke up in a hospital bed with a bandaid rapped around the rim on my head. I blinked a few times and rubbed my temple. It was sore. Meredith then walked in the room.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. I whispered good then opened my mouth to speak. I was cut off. "If you're wondering, your procedure went extremely well and the bleeding has stopped. Now when you have a nightmare you won't begin ceasing or breath heavily." Meredith finished smiling. I smiled back. She then looked out the room and then back at me. "By the way, someone is here for you." She winked and smiled walking over to my bedside to take my blood pressure. I looked out the door and glared. Thomas was there with my bag. I guess he only came to give me my stuff back from his house.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice all raspy. Thomas placed my bag on a chair then walked over to my bed side.

"Returning your bag that's all." He glared. He was about to walk out when I grabbed a hold of his wrist. He tried pulling away but I squeezed harder. "Stop!" Thomas yelled. Meredith grabbed my arm and pried it off of Thomas. Thomas sprinted out of the room.

"Thomas!" I yelled. I then felt a sharp pain go through my head. "Ahh!" I screamed grabbing my head.

"Stop! It'll only make it worse." Meredith said grabbing my arms. I cried.

"I need to apologize to Thomas. I still love him. But I keep getting him in danger!" I finished screaming and grabbing the bed sheets. Meredith tried to hold me down but I screamed. I then stopped. "I can't keep hurting him." I sobbed. Meredith furrowed her eyebrows and sighed.

"Now you can't keep hurting him. Your ceasing has stopped." I looked up to Meredith and sobbed. I hugged her and she awkwardly did in return. I guess she doesn't like hugs.

"But now he hates me." I choked up. I grabbed my cell and dialled my aunts number. Before I pressed then call button, my eyes went fuzzy.

I then blacked out.

Have I Told You I Love You?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora