Chapter 10 Saved By My Hero

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Saved By My Hero
I eventually gave up in trying. My leg was oozing blood quickly while more blood dripped down my face. The stalker man must have heard me move considering he was kissing my stomach and next thing I knew there was a knife at my neck. I decided to take that chance to spit in his face. He shut his eyes and rubbed them dropping his knife. The. Knife rolled to my side as I picked it up with my pale hand. I then pointed the knife to the man and threatened him.

"Let me go bitch or else you'll meet Mr. Sharp here!" I screamed mimicking my attacker. He glared at me then spat.

"Foolish girl, you won't use that on me. You think I'm stupid? HA!" He spat leaning towards me. I froze. "I'll do what ever I want to you 'cause you ain't got guts to pull that thing anywhere near me."

He's right. I thought. How can I hurt someone? I then sighed dropping my arm. He lunged at me again. Reflexes kicked in and I lifted my arm back up. I slashed the knife in the air closing my eyes. I then heard a screeched and realized I had wounded the man. I smirked.

"Think girls are weak huh?"I scoffed. "Bitch please! I'll slice that ugly ass face of yours up in a heartbeat. Because you know what?" I questioned him leaning forward. "Because I ain't afraid of a damn thing. My boyfriend is going to help me and you'll enjoy a life time in jail! Have fun you worthless coward!" I glared at the man and he looked scared as hell. Mostly he looked like hell. There was a huge gash on his face which had begun to bleed, and a huge wound in his stomach from my knife. I then realized a horrible sight. I was so astonished I dropped my knife.

He pulled out a gun.

I widened my eyes and scooted back. He laughed and grinned.

"You really think I'm that stupid, and that pathetic don't you, you slut!" He spat at me. I just stared at the man and gave a look which begged for mercy. "Well would you look at that you pathetic piece of shit. You're scared. Ha! HA! YOU REALLY THINK I BELIEVE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU AIN'T SCARED OF NOTHIN'? IF YOU AIN'T SCARED, YOU AIN'T HUMAN BITCH!" (I know, I just went there guys) His eyes looked like daggers and his face was crimson red. As soon as he rapped his finger around the trigger, the elevator moved. I stared up at the ceiling relieved then the man pulled me towards him. He then placed the cold metal of the nose of the gun to my head. His arm rapped around my neck. I just cried out for Thomas and sobbed. The man then laughed.

"Thomas? THOMAS?!" He snorted as I gasped for air. "Is that your pretty little boyfriend who'll surprisingly save you? Well well...TOO BAD BITCH! I'LL SHOOT THAT SHUCK FACE IN THE HEAD!" (😏Shuck) I sobbed as the doors opened. I looked out and saw Thomas standing there staring the man straight in the eyes. He looked at my wounds and began to tear up. He then stepped forward but not too much.

"So. You want your girlfriend dead don't ya? Fine by me. Just take one step closer and I blow her brains out." The man murmured. Thomas obviously heard as he stepped back. He put his hands in front of him and nodded.

"Alright. Fine. I get the drill. I move closer, you kill her" Thomas began, "unless of course, I know 911." He glared. I tried to scream but couldn't find the air to. Instead I let out a small gasp.

"T-Thom-mas. D-don't!" I managed to get out before feeling light headed. The man threw me to the ground as I gasped and gagged for air. I coughed and looked up at Thomas. Just at that moment Thomas stepped a little more forward. I heard the man fired the gun as I shut my eyes. I was confused.

No pain.

I then looked up to see Thomas holding his arm as blood oozed out.

"NO!" I practically hollered almost jumping up. Just then another gun shot came along with many others. I felt a thump behind me as I turned around. The man had been shot and killed. I looked at Thomas and noticed the police behind him with guns pointed in my direction.

I began limping over to Thomas and grabbed his arm. I touched the wound and he winced at the pain. Suddenly my vision came blurry.
The last thing I remember was kissing Thomas' cheek.

Then I passed out.
I'm shaking how's about you all? This was hard to write. I was like "oh shit well, um, drama?"
Bye Hermano's!

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