Chapter 8: What the what?

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I don't know what's happening but when I woke up I stood up from a stinky bed and found myself in a hospital with wires connected to me. My forehead was itchy. When I itched it there was blood on my fingers.

Ok I need to find out what happened here.

As I stood up from the bed I was in, I wobbled a bit then fell down to the ground. I realized that I had a cast on my leg, it actually covered my entire leg. When I scooted my butt across the room to the door a nurse came in and rushed me back to bed.

"Uhh could you please tell me what the hell is going on?" I practically yelled at him. Oopsie poopsie.

"I'm sorry to say that you were involved in an terrible accident Y/N" He grabbed a cotton ball and wiped down my blood gashing down my forehead.

I started to have deep thoughts about many things. Like who's Y/N and who was I with in the car crash?

I lied back down in bed and my eyes slowly started to close and I faded away from reality.

~ 3 hours later~

Opening my eyes I saw 7 people circling me around my hospital bed which sucks terribly.

"Hi Y/N" a girl welcomed me in a way with her really nice smile. Her long brown hair fell down her face.

"Are you ok!? I hope everything's alright" Another pretty girl started to talk to me really frightened. Her red hair was really nice.

"If your wondering where Dylan is, he's in the room next to you " Another guy talked to me and had a warm smile. What caught my attention was that he had a tattoo on his arm which were two lines, one thicker than the other.

"You know... I once fell in a hole. It was terrible and horrifying. My phone fell in the mud and I almost lost it" This guy looks the youngest out of everyone. I looked at him blankly as he stated to hug his phone. Then he kissed it. I just rolled my eyes.

"Oh Liam" I looked next to "Liam" and saw a muscular guy laughing at him and elbowing him in the arm.

"Liam you love your phone so much it's so weird. It's not normal" ooh I love her style. She has a jean jacket with grey sleeves and her hair is slightly wavy.

"Ok first of all I have some questions to ask you" I looked at them all nodding their heads saying yes.

"Who's Y/N?"

"Was anybody in the car crash with me?"

"Who are all of you?"

"When am I leaving this crap of a place?"

"Uhh guys what are we supposed to do?. She doesn't remember us" Tattoo guy says

"Let's trigger some of her memory first of all" Red head said.

"I'm Scott" Scott waved to me
"I'm Lydia"
"I'm Allison"
"I'm Derek" he winked
"I'm Liam" he started combing his hair with his fingers.
"And I'm Malia" she smiled at me and I simply smiled back.

"Ok what else should I know?" I stared into their eyes and to be honest they looked creeped out.

"Oh we forgot someone. Someone special you should know! His name is Dylan. He's your boyfriend and he'd be really sad if he found out if you forgot everything" Malia looked at me pointing to the wall on my left which is where Dylan is suppose to be.

"Your name is also Y/N" Derek pointed out.

"And yea Dylan was in the car crash with you" Lydia frowned.

"I also asked when I'm leaving this crappy place" I looked at all of them in a mean way which I couldn't help stopping.

"We have no idea" Allison and Liam said.

I crossed my arms and slumped down into my bed grunting.

"Can I at least talk to her" I looked at the doorway to see who it was. It was someone in a wheelchair. I couldn't tell who it was though.


I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry that I haven't updated in what seems like ages. I never had the time. It seems like I only update my book during school and not on my free time which is weird and bad. Right? Well I'll try to update more often.

To talk or see me more follow my instagrams.

Fan account: @basically.wolf
Personal: @boukanbanshee

Byezz peooples.

Love ya


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