Chapter 1- College... Ugh.

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Phil didn't want to go. First day of college but he didn't want to leave his room at his parents house.

"You can spend your time in your college dorm room, Phil." His mother sighs, "You're going."

"Does the college have internet?" He sat up hopefully, "if so, I will go."

"Of course it does." His mother winked at him and opened the curtains wide, "now get off ya lazy butt and get ready."

"But I am ready?" That's true, Phil spent the last two weeks trying to pack and only finished last night, at 12.

"It took you two weeks." His mum shakes her head, "if you spent one day without internet, you could've packed in one day."

"No." Phil says.


"I wouldn't have packed in one day. I would've literally died." Phil's mum clearly tried being angry but smiled as a little laugh let out.

"Get up." Phil did. He went into the bathroom with some clothes, a shirt with three hearts in a line from the left of his chest to the right. The left one was red and the other two were "empty". He changed into the jeans and shirt then looked at himself in the mirror. His jet black hair was a mess and his eyes were blue today. Sometimes, his eyes change colour, it is weird but he actually likes it because well, he doesn't know why. Internet. It's been a few hours since he was on the internet. He went to bed at 3am and it is 9am now. People used to call him a freak during school because he was always on the internet.

"Come on, Phil! You need breakfast and then put your bags in the car so we can go." His mum yelled from downstairs, Phil quickly fixed his long hair that needed to be cut. He ran downstairs and took the cereal box from the cupboard and set it onto the bench. He ran upstairs to his room and picked up as many of his bags that he could and took them to the car. And then again with the rest.

"Eat." His mum pressed.

"I will eat in the car," Phil said as he shoved 10 boxes of cereal into a suitcase and took it to the car.

"You can't just eat cereal like that." His mum got the car keys, "they won't allow it."

"They don't have to know anything." Phil took the box and sat in the car, letting his MacBook and phone rest on his lap as he ate from the box, "please."

"Fine," his mum locked the front door and got into the car. Phil dropped cereal as he ate but picked them up and ate them too.

It took around an hour to get to the college and Phil was on his MacBook when his mum pulled up into the drop off zone. "I got a question." Phil says turning to his mum who was looking at him intently.

"Yes, darl?"

"How will I film?" He asks, "I mean I don't want to film my videos with a roommate."

"I told you to leave your recording stuff at home." His mum raises her eyebrows.

"Should I just set it up in the room and record whenever he isn't there?" Phil avoids answering his mums question.

"Did you pack everything?" His mum shakes her head again.

"Yes..." He mumbles and opens the door. "Are you mad?"

"Of course not!" His mum opens her door and the two get out and open the boot. "Just don't ruin any of your recording stuff because you don't have a recording room anymore to keep it set up and safe."

"I won't, promise." Someone comes over, a man.

"Hi, would you like to put your stuff on the trolley and we will take it to your dorm?" He says.

"You do that?" Phil smirked.

"Of course, college is a big deal and a lot of the students bring everything," he peers in the back of the car. "And it seems that you have a lot of stuff with you."

Phil turns to his mum and whispers in her ear, "it's like a hotel."

"What is your name?" The man says, "we will get you to the signing room so you can get your dorm number."

"Philip Michael Lester." Phil says not wanting to say his full name but if he just said Phil, they will be like, who?

"Okay, please, you can load your stuff onto the trolley and meet me at the signing room, Philip?"

"Where's that?" His mum asks.

"You just walk through those doors," the man points to a set of sensor doors that slide to let people in and out.

"Thanks," Phil says and the man walks away. "I guess this could be good."

"Even if it's not, you're still going."

"I know," he says transferring bags from the car to the trolley. "I'll text you when I get everything set up."

"Of course you will, you love your mummy." He hugs her tightly and kisses his mums cheek.

"Love you, mum." He says.

"Love you, too, Philip."

"Please don't ruin the moment by calling me Philip." He smiles though, "I will text you."

"I know." Phil takes the trolley and slowly walks towards the doors. He turns back and waves to his mum, he took his glasses from his pockets but didn't put them on yet, he did once he walk into the college.

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