To The Devil I Loved

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To the Devil I loved

If you are reading this, it probably means that someone has found my body. There isn't a really big reason why I've done this. I couldn't imagine the face of my mother when she found me hanged from the celling fan. The pain of knowing that her only son has killed himself. But I did it for me. I don't care if you think that I'm selfish, I just needed a break from all of it.

I've bean bullied to the point that I gived up. The world has bean nothing but my enemie. School was a living hell for years and I couldn't do shit about it. End it didn't stop there. I was also bullied online, after school, in society. There was no place to hide. I wasn't bullied because I wasn't cool enough or because I was a loser. I was bullied because I'm gay. Yes I like boys but that doesn't mean that I like every boy I see. It doesn't mean that I will suck your dick the minute I see yo ass. Now this note is for you. I wrote you this poem.

I am the person you bullied at school,
I am the person who didn't know how to be cool,
I am the person you alienated,
I am the person you ridiculed and hated.
I am the person who sat on his own,
I am the person who walked home alone,
I am the person you scared every day,
I am the person who had nothing to say.
I am the person with hurt in his eyes,
I am the person you never saw cry,
I am the person living alone with his fears,
I am the person destroyed by his peers.
I am the person who drowned in your scorn,
I am the person who wished he hadn't been born,
I am the person you destroyed for 'fun',
I am the person, but not the only one.
I am the person whose name you don't know,
I am the person who just can't let go,
I am the person who has feelings too,
And I was a person, just like you.

I loved you and I still do. I couldn't bring myself to hate your eyes, your smile, your laugh. I loved seeing you happy, even when Im not the one making you smile. I keep telling myself "He's not worth it" or " You don't love him" but I do love you Anthony Padilla and I always will

Ian Hecox

I felt a tear before putting the letter down, step on my desk chair and taking a step ahead. Letting my body fall and cough by the rope around my neck. "I sorry mom but I need this. I need this to be free. I love you" were the last words I say before darkness toke over.

It's not my poem but I really like it. Comments equals a hug Votes equals a kiss. Hugs and kisses. Later Watermelons 🍉🍉🍉

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