Paper Hearts

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Hey Its my BIRTHDAY TODAY....but I didnt have a idea to put in this right,SOOOOOOOOO I'm going to give you guys other on of my Favorite Fanfic form @foreverasmosher on LiveJournal. Its so fluffy and cute ans juts ASDFGHJKL go check her other story's and enjoy. LATTER WATERMELONS!!!!!!!









Title: Paper Hearts.
Pairings: Ian/Anthony
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13, Ultimate fluffiness.
Summary: Ian woke up to many surprises and multiple heart shaped notes from Anthony. What could his adorable boyfriend be planning.
Author's Notes: For the February challenge! My first ever! Can't wait to get started! I do not own smosh, paper, hearts or anything of the sort. I do own a life size blow up doll of Ian that has my tramp stamp. ;)

My eyes slowly fluttered open. The curtains were open, causing me to go blind momentarily. When I regained my sight, I looked around my room. My guinea pig was happily sleeping in his cage, both his water and food dishes full /Strange. Normally I have to fill that very morning./ I stood up from my comfortable bed and began to walk towards the bathroom. The lights were turned on and the tub was already full of warm water. A small note was resting on the edge, threatening to fall in the water. The only thing different about this note, was that is was a deep shade of pink and in the shape of a heart. I opened it up to see a mess of crazy handwriting which I could somehow understand.

~Good morning Ian.

I have a special surprise for you. I already fed Charlie, and he actually likes me. So anyways, take a nice bath, get freshened up, and you'll be given your next note when you get to the living room.


I smiled at my unromantic boyfriend's adorableness. And yes, I am also a guy. Got a problem with it? Don't listen. I stripped into my nothingness and stepped into the bath. It had been recently drawn, so I figured Anthony must've been nearby. The warm water relaxed every tense muscle in my body. The many days of filming and editing had gotten to me, so the water for me was like cocaine for a drug addict.


I stepped out of the bathroom, fully clothed and my hair shaped perfectly into a bowl. It seemed to work for me, which I found surprising. I walked into the living room and looked over at the table. I saw a plate of steaming hot pancakes with syrup, bacon, sausage and a glass of milk. Underneath the glass was another pink, heart-shaped note. I walked over, lifted the glass and read the note.

~Hey Ian.

Out of the bath? Good. Well, I made these myself, with the help of your mom. She's an incredible cook. Anyways, hope you enjoy it, because you're going on an adventure today. Finish this and head to your car.


I grinned at his comment about my mom. He knew that she and I were closer than most, and he accepted it, which was truly a gift. I ate slowly, not in any real rush, although my brain wanted to run straight to my car. Once finished, I walked over to the sink and placed my dishes inside. I was ready to wash them when I found a scrap paper with writing on it.


I'll do the dishes. Just get to your car. See you soon.


I left them there and dashed to my car. I sat down in the front seat and found another heart on my steering wheel

~Hey handsome,

So I want you to head over to our park and go to the swing set. Your last note will be there. See you very soon.


I smiled. I knew that was where he'd want to meet me. I turned the key and backed out of the open garage door as quickly as I could.


I pulled up beside the empty park and raced out of my car, leaving it to idle and cause me to get a ticket. I arrived at the swing set, where Anthony and I had shared many memories together. Not just here, but this whole park was extremely special to us. The final note was on the seat of one swing in particular, the one where I normally sat.

~ Ian,

Hey you made it. Well, this is your last instruction. Turn around.


I spun around so quickly it could have given me whip lash if I had longer hair. I saw Anthony in front of me, as close as we were during that one scene in Food Battle 2011. He grinned and placed a quick kiss on my lips.
"Hey." he whispered.
"Hey to you. What was this morning about?" I asked curiously. His smile grew even bigger after I asked that. He slid down onto one knee and looked into my eyes.

"Ian, we have been best friends for the longest time, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I saw you the way you saw me for all twelve years. But I for sure know that there is no one else in the world I would ever ask this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box, "Ian Hecox, will you marry me, and make me the happiest nerd ever?" I stood there with tears in my eyes. He had really proposed to me. He really did love me.
"Yes. Oh my god yes!" I cried. He stood up and put the solid gold band on my finger. I stared at it for a moment, tracing the engraving on it. I looked up at him, still crying and smiling. Our lips locked once more, sweet and clean. I never wanted to move from this very spot. He backed away, and traced the engraving himself.

Paper Hearts

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Later watermelons <3333
*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

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