Diana {Part 1}

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Hello hello lovelies. I Promised to make a ianthony oneshot with Ian as a girl. "Her" name will be Diana, since there's Ian in the name and I didn't want to do Iana......i don't think it's original. So "She" is the lead singer of her band named RWBY...... If you Watch the movies on Netflix, you have made me proud. Shout goes to magicmummy . You go girl. She's a sweetheart and her story........ THERE JUST AMAZAING. Please give her some love, by following her and checking her stories. Now I putted the song on the media. The picture is how I picture Ian's or more Diana's hair. ABYGAÏL OUT!!!

Names Diana. Im 17 and a bad Ass bitch. A cute ass bitch. I'm the lead singer of RWBY. Now you may be asking "What The Hell Does RWBY Stand For" well hold your tits I'm about to get there. So I play guitar and sing. I have dark brown hair with red/orange in the front . I always were red on me. If you haven't guess, red is my favourite colour. There you got the first part of the bands names. The R means Red. Good job genius. Now to the W.

W means white. My friend with the second letter names is Wes. He's our bass player. He doesn't talk a lot, but he can be a total dick when it comes to Video games. His bass is silver white

B stands for black. Mari Takahashi everybody. She an awesome guitarists. Her skills are over the charts. She can be a sweetheart but can also be a bitch when it comes to working. Her guitars is jet black, just like her hair.

Last and not least. My one and only Boyfriend. Anthony. Also known as Yellow, the last letter of the Band. But how his name yellow. Well he's the drummer and his drum sticks are golden. We grew up together actually. We met in a high school talent show. I was 14 at that time. I found him hot when he played his drums. His hair going everywhere to his beats. I won the talent show though and we ended up going out together.

"Hey babe, break is over" I heard Anthony say as he walked in my room. Forgot to say, We all live in one big ass house. I don't share my room with Anthony though. We like having our own space, plus his room is always in a huge mess. "Okay let's go"

We walked to our garage. Mari and Wes were already here, talking about how Wes won't stop fucking Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn up in GTA5. "Hey losers, we've been waiting since the brooking dawn. Were you guys making out or something." Mari giggled. I rolled my eyes and walked to my guitar.

When Wes toke a last sip of his beer, we started to play. Anthony started to hit his drum sticks together to start the count down. "5,6,7,8!"

I couldn't take it couldn't stand another minute 
Couldn't bear another day without you in it
All of the joy that I had known for my life 
Was stripped away from me the minute that you died

To have you in my life was all i ever wanted
But now without you I'm a soul forever haunted
Can't help but feel that i had taken you for granted
No way in hell that i can ever comprehend this

I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone 
I was wide awake and feeling that they had to be wrong
How could you leave me when you swore that you would stay
Now i'm trapped inside a nightmare every single f'ing day

It's like a movie but there's not a happy ending
Every scene fades black and there's no pretending
This little fairy tale doesn't seem to end well
Theres no knight in shining armor who will wake me from the spell

I know you didn't plan this
You tried to do what's right
But in the middle of this madness
I'm the one you left to win this fight

Red like roses
Fills my head with dreams and finds me
Always closer
To the emptiness and sadness
That has come to take the place of you

To be continue. Comments equals a hug Votes equals a kiss. Hugs and kisses 

I Love Apple Juice And I Love You (Editing ^^)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें