A/N #6

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Hello lovelies. I want to thank you guys for the views. your are awesome and I love you. I've been to the doctor a lot lately.......apparently I'm sick. I can't eat as much I want and when I do eat, my chest and stomach hurt and I want to trow up..... plus on top of the I've been diagnose with small depression, witch is crazy.......i always though of myself of a happy person.....guess not. I think it's because I'm stress for next year.....maybe......I don't know anymore. After my visit with my physiologist, I've visited him alot, he told me to go out more and have fun. Hard for a 16 year old teenage girl right? Well yeah for me. So there's the " I have of explaining to do" speech

Sorry for not being myself lately........ but I'm sure I'll get over. It soon. Also I needed to tell you guys that me and Jay broke up. not because we didn't love each other, cause trust me I really loved him, but he moved when school finished. were did he go? Europe...... yeah. I'm really good with long distant relationship......so yeah and other thing to put in my depression.....

So yeah about this I love you guys so so much that it actually hurts

Much love
Sincerely Abygaïl

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