I love you, you Psycopath

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Hey peeps. Yet an other requested story.This is for Muffin-Ianthony-God . Im writing this from my phone so it will not be edited. PLUS I'm currently listen to the BroKen Podcast. FUN!!!! Not something I would normally write but I do like the idea. Also I had some help. Hope you like it.

Description: Ian tries to go back home from a party hosted by his friends, Dan and Phil, but doesn't get home. A wanted Serial Killer want him all to himself.

Writers: Abygaïl and Jason

"Thanks for coming Ian. Means a lot to Phil and I." Dan says with a smile while holding Phil in his arm.

"No problem guys. I had fun. See you guys tomorrow." Ian waved and started to walk home.

Knowing how dangerous the streets are at night, he decided to call an Über. Pulling out his phone and dialling the phone, he felt as someone was watching him. Feeling a little worry, the blue eyes man stared to walk a little fast,waiting for an answer from the phone.

Ian felt more relieved when the line answered.

"Hello. How may we help you" the lady in the phone say.

"Yes I would like someone to pick me up" he answered.

"Okay sir. Please tell your location and I'll send an über right away."

"I'm on street....." As he was about to answer the women, he felt a wet cloth over his mouth.

He tried to get away but the stranger holding him was too strong for him. Ian started to see blurry, his head spinning and turning.

Blackness toke over











When Ian woke up, he notice that he wasn't beside Dan's and Phil's house any more. He was laying in a bed.

"Where am I?" He ask while rubbing his tired eyes, when he realized that his hands were tied to the bed.

"What's going on" he thought worryingly.

"Oh, your finally up" the man leaning in the doorway and smiled.

"Who are you..wh-why am I here?" Ian ask terrified.

The man open the small dime light and walk close toward the blue eyed man. As he sat on the bed, Ian didn't feel the urge to move.

"Names Anthony. I'm the serial killer who obviously kidnaped you. I was order to kill you, but I think I'll spare your life." He smiled

"Wait you were order to kill me?"


Ian stayed quiet thinking what this Anthony guy wanted from him.

"Why are you letting me live?"

" I don't know." He leaned close to Ian's face and smirked. Ian couldn't back away. He felt safe around the serial killer. That's not something you hear a lot.
So they spend the time together. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into Days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. It's been 3 months since Ian Hecox was last seen. Family and friends we're worry and concerned.

We thought he ran away. Search party's were over. To society, Ian Hecox was gone. Not dead, just gone.

But he wasn't. He was still with that serial killer. Anthony couldn't kill him. He loved the younger man. And in a matter of time, Ian loved him back. They're just too stupid to admit it.

Ian wasn't aloud outside. Remember when he was suppose to be killed. Well Anthony told his boss that he killed him the moment he saw him. Since that day, Anthony was the only one aloud outdoors.
It was a winter night back in Los Angeles. Wasn't snowing, but still chilly.

"Anthony?" the boy wrapped in a blanket asked. They were siting in the couch, really close to each other watching the Avengers movie.


"Why couldn't you kill me?"

Anthony stayed quiet for a while. Thought closely of his answer and leaned closer to Ian.

"Do you believe in Love at first sight?"

Ian thought for a moment. Did he really believe in love at first sight? He did fall in love before, but never at first sight. But Anthony was different. The first time he saw those beautiful chocolate brown eyes, he felt the world stop.

Ian nodded and hug the serial killer.

"Well, I didn't kill you for that exact reason. for the past few months, I fell in love with you. Your the best thing that ever happened to me." he whispered still holding the smaller man in his arm.

They broke there hug and leaned in.
When they're nose were brushing against each other and kiss. A serial killer and a victim were in love. When they break the kiss they cuddle close to each other.



"I love you, you psychopath"

Comments equals a hug, Votes equals kiss. HUGS AND KISS.

I Love Apple Juice And I Love You (Editing ^^)Where stories live. Discover now