"Mr Padilla"

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Hey guys, Jason here. For those who do not know me, I'm known as Abygaïl's boyfriend. Yes I do like reading her work and yes I do ship them. NOW NOW I am fully award that most of these people shipping Ianthony are girl, But fuck it, I ship them. It's like bronies right? Now the reason I'm posting and not her is that she has some family issues and is very depress about it, so she ask me to do her routine for a week only so you guys are stuck with me. :P this will be short because I'm not a writer like my baby. She started this and I though that I would continue it for her. I'll do my best guys.

It's was 7:00 o'clock in the morning. Anthony needed to go to school early cause he is teacher and all. So I ask if I could go with him, you know, give someone to talk to instead of the boring teachers. Now were in his class room. Anthony was correcting a science exam that I sadly failed.

" Come on Anthony please" I plead

"Ian no and how many times do I have to tell you it's Mr Padilla here" he said annoyed

"But, but you love me and I'm your Ian bear and I'm cute and...." I was cut by a small peck on my lips.

"You are my Ian bear babe. But I can't give you an 'A' for everything. Especially an exam that should've study. You have to work for that A Ian" he smiled

"Okay at least give me a B+"






"Now that I can work with" he smiled

I pouted, walk to my desk as Anthony laughs and kissed my temple.

"You know it is your fault" I said looking through my bag. He sat on my desk with a questionable face.

"What do you mean it's "My fault" He laughs

"Well...." I said before pulling out my sketch book and pencil case. "With that pretty face of yours, how am I suppose to concentrate in boring old science class?" I smiled innocently

"By listen in class and stop drawing when I'm talking I want my babys attention" He whispered before kissing me. I was worried that someone would enter the classroom and see us kissing, but Anthony locked the doors so I'm less worried. You know the 'No dating student' shit.

When we pulled away, he smiled and walked back to his desk.



"I'll give you a 'B' okay?"

I blushed and smiled, looking down at my sketch.

"Thanks Anth- Mr Padilla"

Comment equals a Bro hug , Votes equals BroFist. See you guys :|P

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