It All Started In First Grade

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Hello hello my dear watermelons. Today is a very special day. ITS RAINING!!!!!! Feel my excitement??? Well I love the rain and when it rains, I write. I feel bad it's been forever that I didn't update here but let's just say that school is a pain in the ass. So how was your day? Mine is just splendid. got a new band shirt and going to a concert next month, pretty exited. Oh Jason says hi and that he misses you guys, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!Oh shit how could I forget, SHOUT OUTS!!!!! Today's shout out goes to Kateiplier . TOTAL SWEETHEART♥️♥️
Enjoy ( ^ω^ )


"So Ian how old are you now" the teacher ask the small boy


"Come on Ian say the nice lady how old you are" Cherly says to her son

It's Ian's first day in school. He was very exited to go, play in the playground and make new friends. He knew his best friend from kindergarden was here and all he wanted to do is see him.

"Mommy, where's Antoni?" The little boy whispered hugging his mother's leg.

"I'm sure he's already here sweetheart, now do not ignore your teacher when she's talking to you. It's rude sweetheart.

The blue eyed boy turned towards his teacher and smiled.

"I'm sowwy, my name is Ian. I'm 5 years old" he giggled holding up his hand to show her how old he is.

"Wow, 5 years old?! Your a big boy aren't you?" She smiled laughing of how cutely polite Ian is.

Ian still holding his mother's leg notice a small boy with dark brownish hair and brown eyes.

"ANTONI!" He yelled as he let's go of his mother.

"IAN" the young toddler giggled seeing his best friend.

They ran towards each other and hug.

"I miss you so much Antoni" the smaller boy whispered.

"I miss you to Ian"

《《~ 3 GRADE〜》》

"IAN YOUR SUCH A POOP HEAD NOBODY WILL EVER LOVE YOU" Brendon says. Earning laugh from his group of friends.

"Leave me alone" Ian whispered before getting push on the ground by his bully

"NO ONE LOVES YOU HECOX" they chant over an over again. The boy was in verge of tears.


Ian turned his head and sees his best friend standing there. He looked mad.
Anthony walked towards the bully and punches him right above the nose, hearing a crack. Brendon falls while Ian sigh in relief.

"That's not true. His parents loves him, his friends love him and I love him. So shut your ugly crack face and leave him alone."

After the day, Brendon never bother them. Anthony ended suspended for a week for breaking his nose but was satisfied. If it meant protecting his best friend he would do anything.


Ian an Anthony walk to the local store to buy some snacks for there sleepover.

"Doritos, marshmallow, MontainDew, umm what else?" Ian ask his boyfriend

"How could you forget my sour patch kid you doofus" he smiled while taking his hand in his warm ones.

"Oh yeah sorry babe" he giggled

Anthony pick up a box and toss it in the basket. When Ian notices the box and pick up reading the label, he blush in the deepest shade of red.

"Anthony, put this back right now." he whispered yelled holding up the box of condoms

"Awww but what if we nee them. And look there strawberry flavour. Your favourite" he whispered and grab Ian from the behind.

"Ant were in public stop" the blue eyes boy giggled.
As they walked back home they bumped into they're elementary bully.

"Hey it's faggot number one and faggot number two" he smirk

"What do you want Brendon, do I haft to break your nose again so you'd leaves us alone?" Anthony smirk back, pulling Ian close to him

"Wait Anthony I got an idea" Ian whispered

He nodded and let's his lover go. Ian approached Brendon, toke a deep breath and punches him right in the eye.

Anthony's jaw dropped.

"Shall we go back home?" Ian ask kissing Anthony's neck.

"We shall" he smiled

《《~ PRESENT~》》

"THATS A WRAP" Ryan yelled.

The crew were all very tired and couldn't wait to go back home. Especially the Smosh duo.

When they arrived back home, Daisy jumped on her owner claiming that she obviously missed him.

"Hey girl, missed me? Aw I missed you to- HEY THAT TICKLES, DAISY STOP" Ian laughed.

Seeing Ian happy made Anthony heart flutter.

"Hey baby, wonna watch a movie? We can pop some popcorn and stay in bed. How does that sounds?" Anthony smiled at his lover.

"That sounds awesome" he's answer while getting the German shepherd dog off him.

Daisy and Pip were sound asleep on the bed. Ian was curled up in Anthony warm arm. That's how there night ended. With kisses and cuddle. And to think that it all started in first grade.


Ps. I still accept request so do not be scare to ask love you guys♥️♥️♥️

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