This just started

Start from the beginning

"Hi?" I say, he's working on some paper work about the meeting I guess.

"Alison Dilaurentis?" He says looking up at me.

"That's me" I say looking at him with a curious look, who the fuck is this guy?

"I'm Lucas, your lawyer" He says with a deep voice.

Wait, lawyer? What did I do now? My case was closed, they made for sure it was me the one who killed those guys without even a good evidence about it.

"Why do I need a lawyer?" I ask still trying to understand what Is going on.

"Your case has been opened again" He says putting some papers in front of him.

What the fuck? Why I wasn't' informed about this? It's my life!

"And why are you here?" I ask. The case could be open again but there's not reason to have a lawyer, I'm already in prison so.

He stops organizing his papers and stops to look at me, with a serious expression.

"Someone found an evidence that you weren't the only one in that car that night. So now that they think there are were more people in there they don't know for sure if you were where the one who planned it, if someone made you do it or even you participated on the act" He says.

"And what does that mean? That maybe I can get out of here?" I ask nervous. I do want to leave this place but... I don't know.

"There's going to be a trial, at first it will be only with you. But, if you decide to tell the truth and say the names of the people who were with you, the trail would be with all of you and maybe you'd get a chance to get out of here sooner than you thought" He says still with that serious expression.

"What was the evidence they discovered?" I ask curious, I want to do this in the right way.

"They found video tape from a video camera that was on the garden of that house. The people who lived there had it because someone stole something on that little barn they had more than once. The video is in low quality plus is during the night, but you can perfectly see more than one person getting out from the car" He says.

"Why didn't they say anything about the camera before? When I was judged" I ask nervous, this makes me angry

"No one knows" He says. Well, it makes sense, the neighbors saw me stealing the car and with that the police was done whit he investigation.

"When is the trial?" I ask as serious as him.

The evidence is in a video, it's the best. I don't have anything left to lose, I have to make those assholes go to jail for what they did.

"It starts next month, in three weeks" He says now looking again at his papers.

"What do I have to do?" I ask, angry but happy at the same time. They are finally going to get what they deserve.

"Just tell the truth, you didn't have a chance to explain everything before, so don't waste this one" He says looking back at me.

"You'll visit me if something happens with the investigation?" I ask him, basically asking him to do it.

"I will, don't worry. I'll come to tell you everything before the trial too" He says putting all his papers on his briefcase. He stands up and walk to the door.

"Thank you" I say before he leaves the room.

"You're welcome" He says with a little smile and then he walks away.

This is my chance to put them all down for what they did. I don't feel bad about it, they deserve it.

"Dilaurentis, c'mon" Says the guard behind me, waking me up from my thoughts. I stand up and get out with him next to me. When get out from the corridor where Ezra's office is he leaves me alone.  I walk start to walk fast, but right when I turn the corner I find Emily and Hanna there sit on the floor, apparently waiting for me to get out.

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