Fucked up

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Emily's POV

I heard the rumor that there's a new girl in the prison and that she's gonna get out from observation today, someone I know in here knows how to get into the big asshole's computer, Fitz. He thinks we are stupid, well, all the guards think we are stupid and they treat us like 5 year old kids. I hear the lunch ring, I'm at the bathroom but I have to go now. I get out and I join Cece and Aria to the cafeteria, but before we walk in they stop me.

"The new one is inside, she's blonde, blue eyes and she's 21. Her name is Alison Dilaurentis, but in the computer there wasn't any info about what did she do to get in here" Says Aria looking at me with her big eyes.

"Thank you" I say not in a rude tone as I always do.

"We also don't know in which room she's going to stay" Says Cece looking at Aria, she probably forgot to tell me that.

"Oh yeah, and that" Says Aria pointing at Cece.

We walk in and I see a lot of people looking at me as always, I don't have to wait to get my food, the guards who give us the food don't understand and lots of times they asked me and my friends why do we do that, but I always say because I can, and no one says anything against me so they just keep doing their work. We take out food and walk to an empty table. They all respect me, they are more afraid of me than the guards or Fitz. We sit and I start to literally scan the room looking for this new girl. There are a lot of blondes in here, and I don't recognize all the faces, we're a lot. I hear Cece and Aria talking but I'm so concentrated on find this girl that I don't pay attention of what they are saying. Suddenly Aria hits my arm.

"Look right there, it's her" She says pointing at a blonde girl in the corner table.

She looks scared and fragile and she just caught us looking at her. She stands up so fast, breaking the eyes contact with us, but I'm still looking at her. When she's on the door she looks at us again and then she runs away. Wow, what a weird girl.

"Did you see that? She's already afraid of us" Says Cece laughing.

"Probably someone talked with her, I saw that Hanna girl in that table with her when we walked in" Says Aria laughing too.

"Anyway, I don't think she'll be a problem, she was like a scared puppy" I say starting to eat.

I don't I feel bad about her, when I got here i wasn't that scared, and when "the thing" happened everyone was afraid of me, so i never has to be adraid of anyone. I'm not hungry anymore, I just want to rest.

"Sorry guys, I'm not hungry, I'm gonna rest a little. See you later outside in the tables okay?" I say as I stand up.

"Okay" They both say and they keep talking.

We usually spend the afternoon in the patio on the tables, we play cards or make plans for some little things we have going on in here. As I walk to my room I see al the people getting out of my way, like always. I finally get there, I just hope the annoying Rachel is not here or I'll die in headache plus she says I'm rude, and it's true but I don't like people saying it to me in my face, it only makes me be more rude with them. I walk in and I see the old one on her bed reading, as always, but... there's another girl. I walked in so fast that I didn't notice her. I stop and I look at her, she's looking at me with a deep blue eyes. Is the new girl, what is she doing here?

"Who are you?" I ask her serious.

I already know who is her but I can't let anyone know I know her name because they'll suspect that I have access to the computer. She looks so scared.

"I-I'm the new roommate" She says In a scared tone.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Alison Dilaurentis" She says almost shaking, am I that intimidating?

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