1.6 : Friends or not?

Start from the beginning

Ian smiled and looked down at their hands. He swayed them back and forth a little and just continued to walk to his class. He had finally made it and stopped near the door. "I should get to class," Ian said and looked at Anthony. "Awe okay see you at lunch?"

Ian nodded and Anthony smiled, he kissed the top of Ian's head and walked away. Now Ian's cheeks were even more red than ever. He walked into his class with Anthony on his mind.

He quickly sat down in his seat and looked down at his wooden desk. He then looked back up and watched the kids pass back and forth in the halls through the door. Soon the kids walking by had died down and soon enough class began.

He was even more focused now on his work and wasn't really thinking of anything at all. Sometimes Anthony would pop into his mind but he knew how to control it. It's funny to think of it, I mean you would think now that they started dating Ian wouldn't focus at all one bit.

But nope, he was completely focused.

. . .

Soon enough it was Ian's lunch period and he headed to class. He sat down in his usual seat with his friend beside him. He hadn't spoke to him in a while and he hadn't told them about him and Anthony. He didn't attend to but he knew soon enough he had to.

He decided to wait till lunch came around so he can tell all his friends at once. Anthony had walked in and smiled at Ian, Ian just smiled back at him and then Anthony took his seat. "Hey," Ian's friend said snapping Ian out of his thoughts.

"Hi," Ian said, god why had every conversation he had today been so awkward. Ian turned his gaze towards the board and just pretend to read the marked words on the board not wanting to talk to anyone.

After a few minutes class had begun, and then lunch followed behind that. Ian was the last person to arrive to the cafeteria and he had spotted his friends. He walked over to them and greeted them with a fake smile on his face.

"Ian where have you been? Why do I feel like we haven't talked since 1987?" One of them joked. Ian just laughed and replied, "i don't know but i have some news for you guys!" Ian exclaimed getting ready to tell them about him and Anthony.

"What is it?"

"Well, me and Anthony started dating since yesterday!" Ian said with a huge smile on his face. He expected his friends to be happy for him but all he received was blank expressions.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Anthony and I started dating, were together!" Ian said still smiling. "Hello didn't you hear me, shouldn't you guys be happy?" Ian said and his smile turned to a frown.

"Ian you weren't suppose to date him," "But we confessed our love for each other and then he just asked me out."

He didn't understand, shouldn't they be happy for him? He heard his name being called and turned to see Anthony patting at a seat for him to come over,

"Ian you messed up the plan, remember the plan?" Ian head snapped back to his friends and he then felt guilty. "Yeah but i couldn't help it," Ian mumbled. "So then you ditched the plan and dated him? Did you tell him about the plan?"

Ian felt a big lump in his throat and the palm of his hands began to sweat. "Uh, yeah?" Ian said slowly "Ian!" "I'm sorry!" Ian said and all he wanted to do was cry.

"God Ian why? You weren't suppose to!" All of his friends began to snap. "Listen if you guys don't appreciate Anthony and I, I can just leave," Ian said sternly. "The leave Ian, go be with your new boyfriend." They said. Ian stood up and just walked away with an, "Fine then i'll go."

Ian then walked over to Anthony and sat at an open seat. He leaned his on Anthony's shoulder and began to cry. "What's wrong baby?" "My friends don't approve of us," Ian mumbled. Anthony sighed and lifted Ian's head up.

He wiped away Ian's tears and stared into his eyes. "Babe don't cry over that, if they were your real friends they would have approved, I love you so much don't let them get to you." Ian smiled, "I love you too," Anthony kissed Ian's lips and then pulled away.

He held Ian close to him as he could, Ian just couldn't believe the way his friends acted. He just tried to think of what Anthony said, If they were your real friends they would approve, don't let that get to you.

Ian then stopped crying and focused on what was important to him, and that was Anthony.

Teenagers || Ianthony AUWhere stories live. Discover now