"Holy shit," she whispered.

Camila was on all fours, panting heavily. Her back was arched while her limbs were at funny angles.

"Camila?" Lauren croaked.

Camila's head whipped up. Lauren felt her breath catch in her throat and she felt like she might pee herself. It might have been the scariest thing she had ever seen.

Camila's eyes looked like pure gold as her teeth grew into wicked sharp canines. She was growling and panting while Lauren saw her body twist and turn and change right in front of her.

"Get. Away." Camila growled, looking at Lauren dead in the eyes.

Lauren couldn't move. She was too scared.

"Lauren!" Normani called from inside. "Get inside!"

Lauren started to see grey hair cover Camila's body as she howled in pain. Lauren started to back up slowly towards the door, but tripped over a root and fell on her butt. She shut her eyes, not wanting to see anymore.

"Lauren!" Normani called again. Lauren started to shake her head, terrified.

Suddenly, Lauren felt hot breath on her face and a low growl. She felt like she was about to throw up.

I could have been home watching movies with my family, but now I'm about to die, Lauren thought to herself. She felt a tear roll down her cheek.

The tear was quickly replaced with something warm and wet. Lauren's eyes snapped open as she stared at a big grey wolf in front of her.

"Did you just lick me?" Lauren asked, mouth hanging wide open.

The wolf snorted, which Lauren assumed was Camila laughing at her, before running away. Normani rushed out to help Lauren up.

"Are you okay?" Normani asked, worried. "She didn't hurt you, did she?"

Ally rushed out of the house. "Oh my gosh! Are you hurt? Did she bite you?"

Lauren shook her head. "No, I'm fine,"

Ally's eyes widened. "That's the first time she's ever done that,"

"First time she's ever done what?" Normani asked.

Ally took a deep breath. "That's the first time Camila faced a living thing that wasn't a wolf and didn't kill it,"


"Well, Hotel Transylvania is over, what's next?" Ally asked. It was midnight, Zayn, Normani, Ally, and Lauren were watching Halloweenish movies until the pack came back. They couldn't watch super scary movies since it would give Ally nightmares.

"I heard they are making a sequel to Hotel Transylvania," Normani commented.

"We should see it together!" Ally said excitedly. "I love that movie,"

"How does that sound, Laur?" Normani asked, nudging Lauren on the shoulder. She was still shaken up about what she saw earlier.

"Hmm? Okay," Lauren muttered.

"Which movie now?" Zayn asked.

"What about Jennifer's Body?" Lauren suggested, trying to get the image of a girl transforming into a wild animal out of her head.

"I've never heard of that, who's in it?" Ally asked.

"Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, I think," Normani said.

"I love Megan Fox, she's my celebrity crush," Lauren laughed, pushing her hair back.

Normani looked at Lauren for a moment. "That's weird. You look just like her. You have a crush on yourself,"

Lauren laughed at that while Zayn tried to find the movie. Not long after that, Lauren drifted off to sleep.

She woke up smelling muffins and cinnamon rolls. It was sunrise, Ally and Normani were asleep next to Lauren while Zayn was in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

Lauren yawned and stretched before hearing the door open. She saw the Bea girl walk in covered in dirt and leaves. Instead of saying hi, Bea walked straight upstairs; Lauren thinks she was probably going to take a shower.

Next walked in Michael, who looked a lot cleaner than Bea. He waved and smiled at Lauren before walking into the kitchen to greet Zayn.

They both walked into the den and sat down quietly, not wanting to wake Normani and Ally. The door opened again and Camila walked in with twigs in her hair and blood surrounding her mouth. She gave Lauren a weak smile.

"I'm sorry if I scared you last night," she said quietly.

"Why are you covered in blood?" Lauren asked.

"Oh, uh," Camila wiped her mouth with her shirt, which made the shirt red which didn't help settle Lauren's stomach. "Dinah and I fought over a hog last night,"

"Who won?" Zayn asked. Dinah then walked in covered in more blood than Camila and a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Dinah did," Camila sighed.

"You'll get 'em next time," Dinah clapped Camila on the shoulder before walking upstairs.

"Where's Shawn and Jacob?" Zayn asked.

"Unchaining Luke," Camila looked down at Lauren. "Did I hurt you last night?"

"No," Lauren said. Camila sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god. Cause if I did, and something happened to you, I would never be able to live with myself, and-"

"Camz! I'm fine," Lauren smiled a little. "You didn't do anything to harm me,"

They smiled at each other. It was a sweet moment, but it was ruined with the one thing that Camila did not want to hear.

Hey, Mila? Shawn said in the link I have bad news

Camila groaned Don't tell me-

There's another body


idk. i tried the 'lauren sees camila as a wolf thing' and idk how i executed it

question: narry or larry?

Twitter: dinahsdilemma

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