Forgiving Or Forgetting

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Evie POV

I was still walking around in the woods with Jay looking for Scarlett. We check every inch of it. When I mean every inch. I mean Every inch. Me and Jay found nothing. We didn't even found a simple Clue of Scarlett. No blood. No Evil Jewels. No nothing. "Evie!" Jay says. I looked at him with a frown on my face. "Come on. It almost dawn and we didn't find Scarlett. Let's head back and see if Mal and Carlos found any better luck!" He looked at me. I nodded as I walked with him back to the entrance of the woods.

We have ran into Mal and Carlos on the way. "Any Luck!" Jay asked. "No!" Mal said. "But we did found one thing!" Carlos says ad he digged something in his pocket. "It Scarlett's Evil Jewel Ring. It was so post to predict Emotion that she is feeling." I said as I picked it up from his hand quickly. "It only works on Scarlett but it also works on Family like Samoa!" I looked at it.

"It's Blue and Red. It's a mix feeling!" Mal said. "But of what!" Carlos asked. "She is Mad and Sad!" I explained as I looked at it. I put it in my pocket as I looked at Jay and shaked my head. "Come on,Evie. Let's go back!" Mal said as she walked forward. I nodded as we all walked back to School.

We were walking through the halls as we looked around. "Well...Mission: Find Scarlett is a Fail!" I said as I walked towards our door. "But you did good!" Jay said as he put my hand on my shoulder. "We did good!" Carlos said as he put his hand on my other shoulder. I laughed as me and Mal looked at each other.

Mal open the door and I walked in. To see a weird shape figure in the covers. Then when she turned the other side to reveal one person we were looking for this whole time. "Scarlett!" I whispered.

Scarlett POV

I woke up with people Screaming and jumped on me. Then they pulled my covers off. Okay Now they cross the line. I jumped up and looked at who it was as I did a low Growl. Then I looked up to see Evie and Mal. Then Carlos on the side. "What are you knuckle heads doing? It 4:30 in the morning!" I yelled. "We were looking for you all night in the woods!" Carlos said. "Why...After I left out I only stay their for 4 hours and then I came back here!" I explained and I looked at them. Their eyes widen. "We been out all night looking for you!" Evie said.

"Well you shouldn't...I an half Lion. I can take care of myself. Good Night!" I said as I raped the cover over my head. Then someone pull the covers off my head again. "WHAT!" I yelled and leaned up to see Jay. My face Soften and then I stared at him with a Frown. "Scarlett...Let me explain!" He stares but I interrupted me. " should have told me that you were dating my cousin instead of doing it the harsh way." I said. "

But Scarlett It-" now I just yelled. "BUT NOTHING.Get out!" I said. "What!" He asked. I did a huge growl as he just stared at me and then left. I put the covers over my head and I fell a sleep. Good Now I can get some shut eye because my Lion had succeed it at that better than me.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up and looked around. Another day and another time. I got up and looked around for something to where. I found a simple red blouse. Weird I never had this. Well I think Evie made it for me. Aw well. I got some Black silk Tights. I got my leather Jacket and a Black Scarf. I put on my Black Boots with it. Mal and Evie just stare at me.

"What?" I asked as I looked at them. "Scarlett! Jay didn't kiss Samoa. She kissed him!" Evie said. I thought she was lying at first then I thought. Evie never lied. I mean never ever lie to me. The way Mal and Evie stared at me they weird telling the truth. "He...What?" I asked. Cece started Winning over the truth Evie said.

"I feel so bad Now!" CeCe said. "Me too!" I said as I looked at them. "Oh My God,I am such a idiot!" I responded. I particle slap myself. Then someone knock on the door. I walked to it and open it. I saw Jay just staring at me. "You need to Choose. Either you forgive me Or You Forget me!" Jay said. I just looked at him then too Evie and Mal. Then back to him. "We are Screwed!" CeCe growled. "I-I Choose..."
WoW 3rd Cliffhanger in this book. Lol their will be more don't worry!

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