Losing You

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I was so happy for the boys until I saw Samoa runs to us. She still seem made. "See told you. She is trying to get between us! Let's get her" CeCe yelled at me making me wince again. If I need to have a whole conversation to basically myself than I will do that.. "No stop. Leave it. You don't know what she is even talking about." I yelled at her through my head. I can feel her eyes rolling at me as she just grunted a bit. "Alright if she makes a move on Jay...I say something they...Alright!" She yelled back into my head. Why can't she just whisper? She is in my head and I am the only one listening to her. Why does she have to be so loud for. It doesn't make any sense at all once so ever.

Samoa walks up to us. Her frown have turn into a smile. She think I didn't caught that but I did. "Congratulations!" She cheered out as she went and hug Jay. I watched her closed her eyes before sniffing him. It may have sounded quiet but it was loud enough for me to hear. I did a low growl in jealousy. Jay must have heard me to quickly release her.

"Thank you, Samoa." He told her with a small nod of his head at her. Turning over to hear the fidgeting of the microphone to see Ben with it in his hand. What is he doing? I turn to Jay to see him looking at me before I just turn my head to Ben. I just did a warm smile to Ben who he looks like he was trying to figure out what to say. Hearing him take a deep breath in the microphone before he spoke...more like yelled. "Give me a M...Give me a A....Give me a L!" He yelled.

"Is he going to..?"

I asked Jay to see he walked over to my side with a slight nod to his head before he responded to me to Jay. "Yeah!" He replied.

He just yelled he love Mal in the microphone for everyone to hear. Especially since Audrey to where was his current girlfriend. I turn to the cheerleaders to see Audrey run away from the girls. It have made me smirked as she ran away. Probably going to cry about it to her mommy. Guess he is Ben's ex girlfriend now over that statement. I did a slight chuckle before I turn around to see Samoa just stared at us like I did something wrong. I titled my head at her. "What is her problem today?" CeCe asked in a tone of annoyance. At least her voice wasn't so loud. I just quickly shrugged at my Lion but have end up doing it to Samoa in real life by unintentional. "How am I so post to know and I thought you went to sleep?" I asked back with a confusion stuck onto my face. Hearing her just do a 'whatever' back at me.

Ben have finished singing the song to Mal that I some how magical blocked out while he went to ask her to go to the cornation. To that point Audrey decided to ask Chad to be his date. It's no point on trying to get him jealous. You lost your boy toy anyway already. All I have to say was that was some entrance. "I hope Mal plan works." CeCe says into my head a bit more lightly as I just let my smile drop. "Same,Cece. Same!" I whispered back to her..


It was the next day that Evie and I over heard that Ben ask Mal on a date. This was Mal's first time since she been on a real date so Evie have to work her magic to make her look stunning as usual. This time...Evie have to make her look a bit more Auradon. So we went and help Mal get ready. I have end up doing Mal's hair while Evie did the rest. I don't really know how to dress like a girl but hair is the closes thing I can get too for styling.

"You ready to see!" I asked while Evie came to side adding a fee more brush strokes to her cheeks with a huge smile on her face.

"I am not sure!" Mal said. Me and Evie looked at each other then at her. "Come on!" Evie and I got her hand and brought her to the mirror.

"WoW...I don't look. Hideous!"

She spoke up making me look at her a bit confused. "Does that mean in the bad way or the good way?" I asked her very confusingly. She looked at me through the mirror as she smiled at me.

"The good way. Definitely the good way." Mal told us as she laugh holding the zipper sides of her Jacket.

"Not bad at all." Evie cooed up as she put both hands on Mal. She smiled at her and give her a back hug. We heard the door knock making me turn to the door. I only walked over to my bed as I sat down on it. Evie walked over to the door and open it to see Ben. Mal walked over to Ben to where Evie got out the way to see him with two helmets.

"I hope like bikes." Ben eyes was big and happy. You can see the pure in his eyes who are excited for their date. It could have been the love cookie but I won't get into that so it won't trigger it. He have a big smile on his face.

Mal just smiled as she walks out the door and yelled. "Bye guy." She says before the door have closed on it's ownd.

"Now...Let's get you ready for your date,Missy." Evie squealed as she got my hand up pulling me. Making me stand up to make me sit in the chair that mal was just in. She started working on the rest of the few things on his dress. She made a cute knees length red dress and a black. leather jacket to go with it.. Yes...finally a leather jacket. I always wanted one, my dad didn't really like leather jackets so he wouldn't allow me to have one.. Thank you, Evie. I put my outfit on along it with my black boots. She painted my nails silver making them stand out. I got up and put on my Evil Jewel moon ring a few days ago before coming to Auradon.

Evie started to put on my makeup not really showing me. She finished off my lipstick as she just did big smile on my face. "You ready to see?" She asked. I nodded. She covered my eyes making me just shrugged a bit. She made me stand up making my way to where I guess it was the mirror. I got up and take me to the mirror. I heard her giggle before she pulled her gand away to make me see myself in the mirror.

"Oh my goddess. Evie-" I paused to look at her to see her smiling go bigger as she clamped her hands together before I turn back in the mirror looking me up and down. "I-I love it. Thank you." I have approved before turning back to see the dress from behind along with the Jacket.

I turned back around giving her a hug. I real one knowing how much I like it. This so unlike me but still. I let go of her before I pulled back. She turned to the door looking at it before turning to me. Making me forward my eyebrows before tilting my head in confusion. She just kept up the smile at me. "Well, where is Jay?" She asked sounding so excited but curious at the same time.

"He told me to meet him in the woods. I don't know why but he said too!" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well...Whatever it is? It's probably for a good reason!" Evie nodded. I walked to the door and open it. "Have fun!" Evie yelled.

I turn to her and smile a bit before responding to her. "Don't worry...I will. Thanks again!" I did a light smile before turning around to walk out of that hallway and into the woods. As I walked to the woods to see a small enchtranxe that had the sign on it. "Well...He's not here go find him in the woods,Scarlett!" She says so anxiously. She need to get a grip. "Alright relax you are very anxious to meet him, aren't you?" I asked her to where she didn't say anything. I guess to put the right words together before speaking again. "Very. Now, let's go. I want to see what he looks like for our date." CeCe told me before making me roll my eyes. He doesn't even know that she is even here. It's basically my date anyway.

I just growled a little at the thought of it before walking in. Seeing all the trees around me as I stared through the forest. I just let my shoes hit the ground before walking through it. I looked around for another time. It took me 5 minutes to actually find Jay but I finally found him. I just wish he told where he was so we can be in that spot before searching for him. My bright smile turn into a frown of sadness and anger. I did a loud growl as I gritted my teeth. "How could she? She have betrayed us. I told you she was bad news!" CeCe growled out so loud in my head it felt as if it could made my brain bleed once.

I can't believe my own eyes when I saw this.


A/N: Lol another cliffhanger...I am terribly these last 2 days. See you all in the next Chapter and I am making a 'Cover' book so if anyone making a story for Teen Wolf,Descendants, or anything let me know and I will be updating the cover book really soon along with 'Don't Tell Anyone'. I will make a cover for you and all of that. Alright see yall later.

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