Chapter eighteen: We Need Each Other.

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Chapter eighteen: We Need Each Other

He was alive.

Glenn and the others were alive. "I knew it." I said to myself in a whisper as I reread the flyer.

"He's waiting for you." Alexis smiled, looking at the flyer with me.

"Then let's go." I said, folding the paper in half and keeping it close to my heart. After a few minutes of walking, I realised that I should look at the map to make sure we were going in the right direction. That would be awful if we went in the opposite direction to where Glenn was. I couldn't bare to think about that right now.

"We just need to keep going straight." I said, smiling at the little note again.

He was alive and I was going to find him.


*Three weeks later*

Three weeks. Three bloody weeks and I couldn't find him. He was nowhere and Terminus seemed to still be far away. Alexis and I got caught in a herd which made us turn back and start from the beginning. All the roads were blocked and the forest was the only way to make it past them. And it was hard to see where we were going in the forest because of the trees. And then we got lost. I got sick and Alexis got scared.

Morning sickness was a killer and I couldn't hold it in anymore especially with dead corps' roaming around. Three weeks had past and there was no sign of Glenn. No written notes. Nothing. He could be dead and I could be looking for his dead body. He could be a walker and I wouldn't know about it. Until I found him. I needed to find him.

"Are you feeling okay?" Alexis asked as we had found ourselves a barn to stay at for a few nights. I was exhausted and I needed to rest. The only thing I had really been taking were vitamins that we picked up from the pharmacy and those ran out yesterday.

We had kept most of our water and lost some on the way. My stomach was bigger than before but it was only a tiny bump. I couldn't believe I was going through this without Glenn.

"I'm fine." I mumbled as I stopped my thinking for a quick second. Alexis said nothing else while I thought of a way to get to Terminus. It seemed impossible. I didn't know how long I could survive out here anymore. I was about to give up. Hope was lost and I was nearly lost too.

"It sounds like it's going to rain tonight." Alexis said as we heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

"I hope so," I said, "we better get our empty water bottles ready." It would be good to catch some rain for once and stand under it for a while. It would be like a quick shower on a hot day. That would be nice.

We soon heard the patter of raindrops fall onto the roof. "Come on!" Alexis squealed as she rushed out of the barn. The barn reminded me of my fathers and the memory of how Glenn went in there with the walkers that were in the barn. He was freaked out and I realised that it was a stupid idea.

I walked out to where Alexis stood. She was putting her head up to the sky as the rain poured onto her dry skin and I have the urge to do the same. I twirled around in multiple circles as the cool rain gave me the same effect. I hadn't felt rain in a while and it felt good. It was something that I had needed for a long time.

The cool rain drumming against my dry skin and the drops of water that made my mouth less dry than it was. My baby was getting the nutrients that it needed to be healthy and I hoped it didn't die inside of me.

Because we all knew what would happen if we died.


I lifted up my shirt and felt the tiny baby bump that Glenn and I made. Alexis was fast asleep while I lied awake, looking at the old barn ceiling.

Glenn's face comes into my mind. What if he was waiting for me and I was not there? There were a lot of 'what ifs' in a world like this and most of them weren't good.

"Where are you, Glenn?" I whispered to myself as a puddled of tears spilled out of my eyes like a stream. I'm right here, I could hear him say to me. I will never leave you.

And I will never let you go, I could hear myself replying.

The storm was keeping me awake but somehow, Alexis was still fast asleep. But I couldn't seem to close my eyes and fall asleep. Was it the wind or was it because I was sleeping without Glenn tonight, like I had been for three weeks.

The sun soon rose after I slowly drifted off to sleep. I was eager to go out there and to go to Terminus. Terminus was the place to be and I was determined to get there in one piece. I was sure Beth would be happy to be an aunt, I know she would take care of this baby with me and Glenn. She had always been good like that.

"Alexis." I shook her to wake her up but she didn't budge. "Alexis?" I slowly knelt down next to her and shake her again but she was not moving. She faced away from me as I couldn't see her face. I slowly turned her around and as I did, I got a shocking scare. Her eyes were wide open and her pupils were dilated. Was she dead? No, she couldn't be dead. She was awake a few hours ago.

I placed my two fingers together and touched her cold neck. She was ice cold and her pulse didn't exist. Tears swelled up in my eyes as she lied next to me, dead. How did this happen? We were having a peaceful time and now all that was gone. How was I going to survive on my own, with this baby and without Glenn?

I felt like I was screwed all over again. Alexis was dead and I was all alone. Again.

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