Chapter seventeen: When There Is Fear, There Is Hope.

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Chapter seventeen: When There Is Fear, There Is Hope.

"Pregnant." I repeated again as if it was not real. But it was. It was real.

"Oh, I'm sorry Maggie." Alexis said in a whisper as I sobbed in front of her. I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted to raise a baby like this with no future or happy memories.

"I have to find my husband." I said as my hands began to shake while I stood up with Alexis.

"Where is he? I can take you to him." She offered.

I shrugged as more tears fell out of my eyes. "He's gone. We got separated." Alexis said nothing. He was gone, I repeated in my mind like a broken record and there was no way to find him.

"It's okay," Alexis sighed, "we'll find him."

I shook my head. "No, I'm not going to pull you out of your peaceful life just to help me."

"You call this a peaceful life?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"You have no idea what it's like out there." I stated, remembering what we've all been through.

"I know." She said as she began to pack a few things up. "But your pregnant and you need to find your husband and it's boring in here."

I giggled at her last comment as I wiped away the dry tears that had been left on my face. "Are you sure?"

Alexis nodded. "I'm positive. How hard can it be?"


It was not just hard, it was difficult. You needed to be able to survive while you have supplies to keep you going. And if you ran out then you needed to find more otherwise the walkers wouldn't be the ones to kill you. And maybe that was a blessing.

"Where are we going?" Alexis panted as we had just run from a group of walkers into the forest.

"Terminus." I said as I put my knife in my knife pouch.

"And where is that?"

I shrugged. "All I know is that Glenn will go there." I was sure about this. Glenn would go there and so would I. We just had to trust.

"How do you know that?" Alexis stopped behind a tree to take a quick breath.

"Because I know my husband and I know he will go there." I said firmly, taking a small sip of water and handing it to Alexis who chugged half the bottle.

"Whoa!" I stopped her. "We need to save as much as we can for when we really need it." It didn't look like she had been out of that pharmacy much. She screamed whenever she saw a walker from a long distance, she nearly drunk all of the water and she was tripping over herself. It was lucky I was here.

"Sorry," she wiped her mouth, "I have never been out here." When I first saw her, she looked calm and collected. But out in the woods, not so much.

"It's okay," I smiled while putting the water bottle away, "It just takes time to get used to it."

She nodded. "I couldn't agree more." We continued to trail along the forest to try and find a sign to where Terminus could be.

"So, tell me about Glenn." Alexis said, walking side by side with me. I pictured Glenn's cute face inside of my mind, imagining what it would look like now. His cute laugh, gorgeous eyes and amazing smile that lit up my world.

"He's the one you will never forget," I began, "he's smart for his age and he knows how to make you smile."

"He seems really sweet." Alexis smiled sadly.

"Do you have someone?" I asked.

"I did," she sighed, "my boyfriend, Cole." I had a feeling that he didn't make it but I didn't want to ask. "He's not around anymore."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I patted her gently on the shoulder as we continued to walk this long pathway.

"It was a long time ago." She sighed.

"I lost my father," I whispered, "and I don't know if my sister is alive."

"I'm sorry. You'll find your way back to each other." She said, making me feel better.

I sure hope she was right. I always wondered what Beth was doing nowadays. It had been ages since I had seen her and she never left my mind. She shared it with Glenn now. But they were not lost yet and I would make sure they came safely back to me. I didn't know what I would do without them and I hoped they thought of me too.

I'm sure they did.


"You lived on a farm?" Alexis asked, looking surprised. "So did I. In Atlanta."

"Me too." I grinned, feeling like this was the only thing we had in common. No, that was wrong. We had both lost people we loved.

"Small world." She smiled.

I nodded. "It sure is." I hadn't smile in a while and Alexis really made that happen, she was like my other half. We came across a train station with train tracks that could lead to anywhere. I wanted to find Glenn so badly that it was killing me inside and out. I missed his hugs, I missed the way he protected me and I missed that cheeky grin of his. How could this happen? He could be dead. I was pregnant with his child and he was not here to share that with me. And I had no idea if it was a good thing or not. At least I was not alone anymore.

My eyes caught something blowing in the wind. I glanced straight ahead where I saw a large telephone pole with a flyer attached to it. "Look!" I said to Alexis as she turned to the direction I was looking at.

"What do you think it could be?" She asked as we both walked to the pole.

"I don't know," I sighed heavily, "but we better go and find out." I began to get nervous as we approached the large pole. It looked like something was written on it, with blood.

I ripped the paper off and smiled as I read what it said in bold. Maggie. I turned the page around to see a map of Terminus and a little note at the bottom. Go to Terminus, we will be there. Miss you! x -Glenn.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now