Chapter seven: Saved.

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Chapter seven: Saved.

"How come we've never seen you before?" I asked Noah as we eventually left the city after a long walk away from the hospital.

"I've been working on a different ward but I saw you two around and I knew you guys were planning to escape. You could have thought of a better plan but it seemed to work." Noah shrugged.

"You knew?" Maggie asked, playing around with her knife.

"Of course I knew, I knew everything that went around that place." He said.

Maggie and I both chuckled. "Well, thank you Noah for saving our lives back there." I said with a small smile.

He nodded. "It's no problem. Do you two have a group to go back to?"

I sighed with sadness as I remembered everyone we once knew. "We used to but not anymore."

"Not anymore?" Noah asked as we entered the highway that was filled with tonnes of old cars that we left here by others. I remembered coming here with the others. It was hell but it also saved our lives.

"Yeah, we got separated a while back."

I had lost count of the days we had been separated from the others and it pained me to think that we would never see them again. Rick's leadership, Daryl's sense of humor, Beth's kindness and many other amazing qualities about our group. I missed them. But Maggie was here and I was just happy with that.

"I'm sorry about that." Noah said quietly as we continued to walk up the highway, away from the city.

"One day we will reunite with them again." Maggie said with a touch of hope.

"I hope so," Noah said, "so, where are we headed?"

"Some place safe." I replied, unsure of where we were headed at this point.

I guess it was hard to navigate where to go in this world now. There were no GPS's or cell phones and if we were lucky, we might find a map. That was if we were lucky.


"We are a few miles out from a gas station." Noah said, looking up at a sign that ended the highway.

"Good, we should stop there." I said as we continued to walk the road.

A gas station should be good for supplies. We needed to get something to eat and drink otherwise we wouldn't survive out here for long, especially in the hot sun. It hardly rained and that was what makes this life harder. Rain would make everything better, a thunder storm would be perfect. The sun boiled more into my skin as I thought about the rain that could possibly make our situation a whole better.

We continued to walk on the road as night began to fall and Maggie and I's hands were linked together. I couldn't bare to lose Maggie, she meant the world to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I whispered as we nearly reached the gas station.

"I'm fine." She faintly smiled.

"Good." I said, feeling relief but I felt like she wasn't telling me the truth. She was dehydrated and hot and I wished I could make things better for her. Once we reached the gas station, hopefully there would be bathrooms and lots of food and water to last us.

And I prayed that it was ours to keep.


It was a deserted area when we approached the gas station which was very rare at this part of town. No walkers seemed to be in sight at the moment which was a good thing. I was way too tired to fight off any walkers today but if it came to it, I would be ready. We approached the door and Noah banged on it a couple of times to see if any walkers were inside. They could be so quiet that you didn't know whether or not they were in there or not. Two large hands appeared at the door, startling us all and it banged against the glass. We didn't see any more walkers appear.

"I'll get it." Maggie said, taking out her knife.

Noah nodded while slowly opening the door and letting the walker slowly hobble out. It was covered in dry blood and all we could see on its face was the teeth without any skin covering them. I moved out the way, letting Maggie take it. She walked up to it and lifted her knife up above the walkers head and smashed it into its skull, making it fall onto the ground, lifeless.

Maggie wiped the wet blood onto her t-shirt, making the knife sparkly clean before she stepped into the gas station first. Noah held the door open for me before he went in himself. Shelves had been knocked over and there were cans and boxes of food onto the floor. Blood was splattered all over the walls and the floors.

I stepped around the blood and a few other boxes while kneeling down to take a took at the can of beans that lied on the floor. Noah started collecting the cans he could while Maggie headed into the back room where I assumed the bathrooms were. I never knew how hard it would be to survive an apocalypse. No bathrooms. No food. No water. No shelter. It was up to us to find the supplies we needed to survive.

Noah and I both heard a bang in the back room, making us run towards it. "Maggie?" I shouted as I pushed past Noah to where the bathrooms were. "Maggie?"

"It's okay," she breathed, "I got it before it got me." I leaned against the wall as she came out, making me sighed with relief as I brung her in for a hug. "I'm fine, really." She reassured me, hugging me tight.

We both let go and headed back into the store to collect the rest of the leftover supplies. "And look what I found." I grinned as I picked up a map of the state.

"We're gonna need that." Noah smiled, looking through the fridges and picking out water. We all slightly giggled as we were so happy that we found what we needed. But that giggle slowly faded away when we noticed a very large herd of walkers slowly walking past the gas station where we stood.

We were so screwed.


I would just like to thank all those who are reading and voting! Please let me know what you think by commenting your thoughts and predictions.

Thanks again!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now