Chaper four: Escape.

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Chapter four: Escape.

"We found each other." I reassured Maggie who was having a breakdown about being alone without me. "Mags?" I looked her in the eye as I grabbed her shoulders. "We will get out of here alive and find Beth and the others, I'm sure she's safe." I smiled and she calmed down.

"Let's do this." She nodded and wiped the tears off her face as I let go of her shoulders and we walked out with a plan. It had been a few days since we had been in here, it might be weeks but who was counting? We had to get out of here alive otherwise we would spend the rest of our lives here. It felt like a prison and I hated that.

We've seen the basement and we knew where it was and how to get to it. It was all up to Maggie now.

I started my job around the hospital, waiting anxiously for Maggie to get the keys. I knew she could do it and I hoped she got it quick enough for us to escape.

I remembered the first time I saw Maggie. Her ginger short hair really suited her and he eyes sparkled in the night sky when I first arrived. She helped so much but she wasn't the one to fight off the walkers. But now things had changed, people had died and we had lost our group which only made us more determined to get out of here to find everyone else. It was probably not our biggest priority right now but Maggie wanted to find her sister and I would help her with that.

My thoughts were brought back to the time where Maggie and I first kissed, it was like the Apocalypse didn't matter. Sparks flew and I felt a real connection to her and that was when I knew Maggie would be important to me.

And she was.


I would do everything I could to protect the ones I loved, you could think a lot when you're cleaning vomit that someone threw up a few minutes ago. It had been a while since the last time I saw Maggie, I hoped she hadn't run into any trouble. It was pretty quiet around here at this time of day, I quickly got Maggie and I's clothes ready for our escape out of here.

We were wearing a hospital uniform which I thought was strange, we were in an apocalypse. We didn't need pointless uniforms. I quietly headed into the armory where they had probably stored our guns and other weapons. The door was slightly open where I saw the guns lined up in rows on the back wall. I sneaked in and quickly grabbed a few weapons and I tried to hide a few but there was no where to hide them. I took only two guns and a few bullets. We could always search for some more weapons when we finally left this place.

I left the room as I heard some footsteps coming down the corridor. I hid behind the corner and I sighed with relief when I noticed the one I loved appear in front of my eyes. She was out of breath but she had the keys locked in her hands.

"We gotta go, now. Before she notices." Maggie quickly kissed me on the lips before dragging me off to our room. Once we finally got in, she slammed our door shut and started getting changed. She took her uniform shirt off, exposing her blue bra and her thin stomach. It reminded me the day when we first had sex. She just happily took off her shirt and I was speechless. It was one of the best days of my life. Maggie was my whole world and if I ever lost her, I didn't know what I would do.

She began to laugh. "Would you stop staring and get dressed." She chucked my pants and I caught them, ready to put them on. She quickly put her singlet on and her brown jacket as I put my pants on. She put her shoes on while I just took off my uniform shirt and started putting on my normal shirt.

"Hurry up." She demanded, checking outside for anyone in sight.

"Ready." I said as I loaded my gun and put it underneath the back of my t-shirt as Maggie did the same. She ran her hands through her hair and took my hand as we left our room, for good. She held the keys in her hands and we raced down the corridor and around a few corners where the basement was located. I didn't know if there was a way out but we had to try.

Maggie quickly tried to find the right key to fit in the lock. There were about a dozen keys that were on a chain for every room in this hospital.

Why did Joan even try? I guess we would never know.

"Got it!" Maggie cheered quietly as the lock clicked, letting the door open. There were stairs going down and it had been completely dark. We didn't know what was down there but we had to take that risk. We had weapons to fight off anything that got in our way.

Walkers or humans.

We still held hands but I couldn't let her go down first. "Stop, I'll go first."

She nodded as we switched places, closed the door and slowly headed down. There were many steps as we took each one slowly, letting it creak as we made our way down. We didn't have a flashlight so it was harder to navigate where we were going. We reached the bottom and tried to locate another door to the outside world.

"There's no way out." Maggie cried as she let go of my hand and started sobbing.

"There is and we will find it." I reassured her as I hugged her tightly, letting her cry onto my shoulder. I could see the stress she was under, she wanted to find her sister and the others. Being stuck in here was like being stuck with only four walls that surrounded us and it was not a good feeling. It was a claustrophobic feeling and it was awful.

We were missing out on what was going on out there, even though we should be grateful for their hospitality but, we had to feel like we could leave at any time. And this time was now.

"A door." I looked behind Maggie as I saw a shiny door handle. We rushed over and I turned the handle where it let out a light that shined brightly, making me squint. But we were not alone.Walkers surrounded our way out. I quickly slammed the door shut angrily.

"We need to find another way out." I touched Maggie's cheek, instantly feeling better.

"I don't think so," we heard another voice, "you're not going anywhere." And that was the sound of Joan telling us what to do.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat