Chapter eight: Good People.

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Chapter eight: Good People.

"No sudden movement." I whispered as I slowly ducked down with Maggie by my side and Noah who was at the other end of the store. The walkers moved slowly past the gas station, falling over each other while moaning for food. If these walkers saw us then we were dead.

There was no way out.

The walkers just kept coming past the gas station, the line didn't seem to get any shorter. If one walker saw us then they all saw us and if they all saw us, we would have to run for our lives.

"Maggie?" I whispered.

She turned to me. "Yeah?"

"Were there any windows at the back?" I asked.

She slowly nodded. "Only one but it was jammed." And that was what I was afraid of.

"Is there any way the glass can be smashed?" I asked.

Maggie shrugged. "I'm not sure, I never thought we would have to."

"I'll go." Noah whispered from across the room with a gun in his hand while slowly walking to the back room. I began to watch his movements as he slowly stepped over broken glass and cans of food. He disappeared into the back room while Maggie and I tried to survive it out here. Maggie kept glancing outside where the walkers slowly headed north.

"It's like they're migrating or something." She said, clutching her gun, just in case.

"And unfortunately we are caught in the middle of it." I said, turning my head back in Noah's direction. He hadn't returned yet and I hoped he was smart enough to not make any noise. I was one hundred percent confident that he was smart enough to make the right move in this situation. The walkers were slower than usual which made this harder because we had been crouching down for a while now and it was not getting any easier.

"I'll go and see what Noah has found." I whispered to Maggie who continued to look outside where the herd was. I slowly moved my feet while still ducking down, trying to hide myself from the deadly creatures that hobbled outside these walls. I moved into the back room and around the corner where the bathrooms were located.

"Noah?" I called out in a whisper.

"In here." He said, opening the door to let me inside. "These windows need to be smashed if we want to escape out the back." He told me.

"Are there no other options?" I asked, feeling like we could die today. Well, we could die any day. It could have been yesterday or it could be tomorrow. You never knew.

"No, we can escape out the back if I break the glass with this." He held up a metal pipe which his hand gripped onto.

"Okay, I'll go and get Maggie and then we can-"

"Glenn!" Those were the words of my wife, in trouble.

"Maggie!" I yelled as I raced out into the store where the herd of walkers were coming our way.

"Noah!" I yelled. "If you're going to break the glass I suggest you break it now!"

I took out my gun and held it in front of me as the walkers began to bang against the glass, making it crack. If these walkers came through, we were totally screwed. We heard Noah in the back banging the glass like crazy.

"Come on!" I grabbed Maggie's hand and pulled her away from the glass and I took her to the bathroom where Noah continued to bang the glass. The glass was slowly cracking as he stood on the toilet seat. He was losing his breath but he wasn't giving up. We slammed the door shut before anything else could get inside.

"Shit!" Maggie cursed. "We left our bags."

I rubbed my eyes in frustration. "I'll get it." Before Maggie could say another word, I raced out to collect our belongings. I knew her all too well and she wouldn't let me go. Every single walker from that herd was banging angrily for our flesh but I was not going to let them have it. I collected Maggie and Noah's bag as mine was on my back. We should have enough supplies to last us a few days. I grabbed the leftover guns and raced back as I heard the glass from the windows smash.

"Let's go!" I screamed as my legs never stopped. I slammed the door shut as the walkers began to bang on it. The window smashed into a million pieces as Noah took our bags and chucked them outside.

"Come on!" He took Maggie hand and helped her up to let her go out first. I truly appreciated Noah for letting Maggie out first, it showed that he was a good guy.

"Thanks man." I said as he helped me up. I heard the door break as Noah's foot just climb bed through the window. A hand grabbed his other foot and he began to scream.

"Noah!" I took his hand and Maggie took the other and we pulled him as hard as we could. I was not letting him die because he helped let us out first.

"Screw this." Maggie said while taking out her knife and walking over to the window and slicing the walkers hand off. Noah fell onto his stomach as the walkers were trying to climb over but there was no chance they were getting through there.

"Come on." Maggie said as she was sweating. The walkers moan filled my mind as everyone placed on there backpacks and continued into the forest on foot. We really needed a car.

We left the walkers to rot in that gas station. I didn't regret going there, we got what we needed to survive. We walked through trees and over branches and back onto the road where we continued our journey to nowhere.

"Thank you, Noah." Maggie smiled as she took my hand.

"The last time I checked, you were the one to save my life," he chuckled, "you seem like good people."

"We try to be." I smiled. It was hard to find good people in a world like this. You might as well be afraid of the people rather than the walkers. Humans would do anything to survive. I had done some bad things but I was not a bad person. I was only protecting the ones I loved. Noah included.

We had been on the road a good twenty minutes before we stopped in our tracks.

"What is it?" I asked as Noah gripped his gun tightly.

Noah sighed, ready to use his weapon. "People."

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now