Chapter five: Crazy Ideas.

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Chapter five: Crazy Ideas.

"You can't keep us here!" Maggie yelled as she was tightly grabbed by a guy wearing a police uniform.

"Don't touch her." I tried to go after the cop that was handling my wife but I was pulled away from her by a guy who looked similar. We were dragged up the stairs and away from the basement.

"Put them in separate rooms." Joan ordered as they were dragging us away from each other.

"Maggie!" I screamed as I was being dragged down a corridor. I watched my wife being dragged in the other direction. She was kicking and screaming and being dragged into a room where the door slammed shut. "Maggie!" I screamed again before I was being put into another room where the door was locked.

This was a bad idea.


"You made a mistake." Joan growled as she slapped me on the right cheek, flinging my head away from her. I could feel blood trickle down into my mouth which I spat onto the floor. I was in a similar room than before but with a single bed instead. The walls were plain and there was a big window that outlooked the city. It looked dull and grey, nothing was as it seemed anymore.

"Where's Maggie?" I was so scared for my wife, they could be hurting her even more. I even caught a glimpse of that cop that dragged her away, he was looking at her in a dirty way and that made my thoughts run wild.

"You think you could have just escaped without any of us finding out?" She frowned, standing straight as I sat on the bed.

"You can't keep us here."

"We saved you."

"We never asked for that!" I shouted, feeling like I could kill her right now.

"But you would be dead," she said softly, "be grateful for that." She left the room and closed the door. We needed to come up with something but first, I needed to see if Maggie was okay. If she was not, I was going to kill everybody that lived in this hell hole.

I opened the door that led out into the corridor. I followed the direction Maggie was dragged in and I entered the room. "Glenn!" She sighed with relief as she hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay."

We let go as I started checking her for any cuts or any sign of harm. "They didn't do anything to you, did they?"

She shook her head. "No, but I think that cop was going to feel me up." I pulled her in for another hug, not letting go. I stroked her hair and pulled away. "Your lip." She stroked the bruised spot, making me winch.

"It was nothing, Joan just got a little angry." She kissed the spot where Joan hit me, making it feel ten times better. "As long as they didn't hurt you." I added after a moment of looking into her eyes.

She kissed me gently, making me want her more. "I'm fine now that you're here."

I smiled but it soon disappeared as I realised that we were still trapped in this hell hole. "Mags?" I said as I looked at her, she smiled. "Are you up for another challenge?"

"I'm up for anything," she took my hand, "let's find another way to escape this place."

"That's not what I was meaning." I whispered as we sat on the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"We need to sabotage this place." I said, squeezing her hand because this plan risked our lives as well.

"You mean to over run it?"

I nodded. "With walkers."


I knew it was probably the most craziest idea that I had ever come up with but it could work. All we needed to do was to get access into the armoury where we could use the guns to fight off any walkers that got in our way.

"I know it's risking our own lives but we have run out of options here." I placed my hand on Maggie's hand who didn't say anything. "Mags?"

"Let's do it," she quickly said, "I want to get out of here." I was glad we were on the same page.

The door quickly flung open, showing Joan's face. "You two, enough with the chit chat and get to work!"

"We owe her, remember." I whispered to Maggie as she chuckled and we left the room ready to do our 'chores.'

"Maggie, come with me." Joan demanded as Maggie slowly let go of my hand to follow Joan.

'I love you,' she mouthed while turning around and walking off.

"I love you, too." I whispered as she disappeared.

I knew what my job was and that was to mop up the floors of this place. I left the room and I began to clean the floors while looking around for a way the walkers could enter. There were innocent people here but Joan wasn't and she had to go if we wanted to escape and find the others. If we could just get into the basement again, we could open that door and let the walkers roam through here. Hopefully killing every asshole that lived in this prison.

No one was coming for us so it was up to Maggie and I to escape. I didn't know where Maggie was but now was my chance to get down into the basement and to let those walkers in.

A women who worked here came out of the basement as I approached. "I need to get down there." I smiled innocently at her and she happily opened the door for me. "Thank you." The door closed behind me, letting the darkness fall around me. I slowly trailed down the stairs, hoping no one was down here. I would get a beating for this if Joan found out I was in here.

I located the door and before I opened it, I noticed a shiny pole. I grabbed the pole and flung the door open.

The walkers noticed me as I began to bang the pole on the door, making a loud noise that grabbed their attention. "Come on!" I yelled as I quickly ran up the stairs where the walkers started following me, moaning for my flesh.

I opened the door and left it open as the walkers entered the hospital. All I needed to do was to find Maggie and get the hell out of here.


Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now