Chapter ten: Decisions.

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Chapter ten: Decisions. 


We were going to Washington. Without our people and I couldn't help but feel completely guilty for leaving them here.

There was nothing you could do, Glenn. They were lost. Maybe the voice inside of my head was right. Maybe they were lost and maybe we would never find them again. That was the reality now. I placed my arm around Maggie as we sat in the back while Noah sat in front of us. The other three were sitting at the front, discussing Washington.

"I don't feel good about this now," Maggie whispers, "I don't think we should have come."

I rubbed her arm and sadly smiled. "I know, I'm having second thoughts too but maybe this is the best option right now. I want a safe place for you because the thought of losing you really hurts."

She kissed my cheek and smiled. "I know and I love you for it but I also want to find Beth."

"I know you do," I whispered, "but maybe after we have the cure, we will be able to find her."

"But I want her safe and alive, it could be too late by then." She said as a tear trickled down her cheek.

"I'm sure she is with someone like Rick or Carol to keep her safe. She is a survivor, just like her sister." I said.

She leaned on my shoulder and sighed. "I sure hope so."


"How long until we reach Washington?" I walked down the isle of the van and leaned over the front chair as Abraham drove.

"A long way to go but we will get there." He scratched his nose as we drove through a long road with a field on both sides.

I sighed, rethinking everything. Why couldn't it be simple anymore? It was so complicated. Do we go to Washington and get the cure or do we try to find the rest of our group who could be still out there, surviving like us? I knew what Maggie wanted but what did Noah want?

I left the front to go and sit next to Noah who held his gun in his hand. "Do you want to go to Washington?"

He nodded. "Yeah but if you guys don't want to, that's cool. You need to find your people and I'm okay with these guys."

He seemed like he didn't mind if we stayed or go. Maggie wanted to find Beth but there was a chance it could be a waste of time. We could go to Washington and have more of a chance to surviving than out there, looking for people who could be dead. I hated to think it but they could have died at the prison by the governor or they could have been attacked by walkers. Who knew? Only they would, if they were alive. I couldn't bare to live out there when walkers were everywhere, just waiting for us.

I got up from my chair and patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Okay." I finally said as the car came to a holt, making me fall onto my back. Maggie quickly helped me up and we soon looked around where we had stopped.

"Damn car." Abraham yelled in rage as he hit the steering wheel a couple of times before Rosita calmed him down.

"Did you run out of gas?" I asked as Noah, Maggie and I walked up to the front where we got out into the cool fresh air.

"Yeah." Abraham mumbled. It seemed to be quiet for now. The breeze picked up, making the field grass blow like crazy.

"Where is the nearest gas station?" Eugene asked. I thought of the gas station we just escaped from and how it was overrun. It was worth mentioning. I told them about the gas station but they were willing to give it a go apart from Eugene who looked terrified.

"What's the matter Eugene?" I asked as he looked scared.

Abraham cut in. "He doesn't fight zombies. I'm here to protect him and get him to Washington and that's it."

I was surprised by his answer. You gotta be able to kill the walkers that tried to kill you, otherwise you would be dead.

"We'll go." Abraham said to Rosita who agreed. "Keep an eye of Eugene and stay in there until we come back."

"Unless walkers come." Maggie added, looking annoyed.

"Yes, but Eugene needs to stay in there. He can't get bit." He told us seriously.

We all nodded. "Fine." Eugene got in the van and closed the door while the three of us stood to keep watch. Abraham and Rosita headed off the direction of the gas station as we waited.

And it was going to be a long wait.


We had been standing here for what I assumed was a good hour. The gas station wasn't that far back, I hoped they hadn't gotten into any trouble with any walkers. We would never know but if something did happen, it would be our job to get Eugene to Washington and I didn't want to have that on my hands.

We all surrounded the van while Eugene sat happily inside with only the worries of saving man kind. The birds were chirping around us without a care in the world. Little did they know, the world had ended.

"Want some water?" I shouted to Maggie and Noah who were on the other side. I faced the grass area, looking out into the distance. I saw a walker walk by buy it didn't seem to notice us. It was too far away from us to even get a glimpse of what we looked like. But I knew it was there.

"We're good." Noah shot back as I heard Maggie laughing at something Noah said. I was glad she was laughing again. I hadn't heard her laugh in what felt like years. I loved her laugh, it made me bubble inside. I tilted my head back to the front where I noticed a while lot of walkers coming towards the van.

We made too much noise.

"Walkers!' I yelled as I started shooting. "Walkers!" Maggie and Noah raced around while Eugene backed away from the window. He quickly locked the door and ducked down as we shot to save lives. There were walkers coming from all directions that our bullets wouldn't be able to kill.

"What do we do?" Maggie yelled over the shots.

I found it hard to concentrate with the noise that was banging in my ears but I only thought of one thing to say to the one I loved who was worried. "Keep shooting!"

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now