Chapter fifteen: Gone.

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Chapter fifteen: Gone.

"Glenn!" I shouted while looking at my surroundings. The air had gotten colder as my day went to fantastic to full of shit. Where was everybody? Did they just leave me here in the middle of the road where walkers were everywhere?

Walkers. They were everywhere. I couldn't find him. I couldn't lose him. Where were you? I couldn't scream anymore, otherwise they would hear me. I needed to hide.But I needed to find him.

"Glenn!" He was gone. The only thing standing between me and the love of my life were the dead. And they were coming.


*Twelve hours earlier.*

This was the best I had ever felt in such a long time. And it had been a long time. The wind in my hair, the car going one hundred miles an hour and the smiles that were on everyones faces. Well, not everyone.

"Where are we heading?" I asked Glenn who was driving as I looked at the map that we picked up.

"Someplace safe." He said, focusing on the long road ahead.

Someplace safe. Anywhere was safe when Glenn was by my side. As he had his hands on the steering wheel, I reached out to touch his hand. He felt my touch and smiled while turning his head towards me.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you, too." He said back, making me smile. Nothing could get better than this. Right here and right now was all I needed. With the one I loved and the people I had gotten to know as my family.

"Abraham?" I heard Eugene's voice from the back of the van. Abraham said nothing. He sat in silence while Noah and Rosita talked about their previous lives. I was hoping those two could sort things out because we would be on the road together for a long time. Glenn and I smiled at each other while listening to the conversations behind us. "Please, forgive me." Eugene begged.

"Listen," Abraham snapped, "I don't like what you did, you gave us false hope."

"I know." Eugene whispered.

"Aw, they're making up." Rosita said in a baby voice while trying not to laugh. Everyone else laughed too as I leaned in my chair and watched the world go by. It was still outside. No movement was detected and I've got the feeling that the world wasn't over. It hadn't ended and we were just a group of friends driving by and going on a trip around the fifty states. Together. Forever. And I didn't want to lose that.


"You thinking about Beth?" Glenn whispered as we were the only ones awake as night had already fallen.

"Yeah," I smiled as I looked up into the stars, "I just hope she's somewhere safe."

"She is." Glenn touched my shoulder as he yawned.

"Do you want me to take over?" I asked, feeling like I wouldn't get any sleep tonight.

"Are you sure? You look tired." He said.

"I'm fine, pull over." I told him. He stopped in the middle of the road with a giggle, knowing that the rules didn't exist anymore. He got out of the car as I slide over to the drivers side. He hopped in the passenger seat with another yawn. I started the car again and we were off down an endless road, not knowing where it was going to take us.

"We probably should gas up soon, we have been on the road a while." I mentioned, checking the gas metre.

"We have just enough for one night." He closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep, leaving me with my thoughts and the road ahead. We passed a few walkers that were just standing on the road, trying to catch our van but we outran them.

I thought about music and I never imagined a world without music. The only music I heard nowadays was the sound of Glenn's voice. I tried to see if there were any broadcasts or a radio stations but it was highly unlikely.

Couldn't hurt to try, right?

I played with the radio and all I received was static. I always hated that sound so I switched it off but before I even get the chance to push the button, I heard something.


"Glenn!" I stopped the car, making him fling forward but his seatbelt locked before he hit the window.

"What is it?" He asked quickly, looking worried.

"Do you hear that?" I asked.

The radio crackled. "Those who-"

"It keeps cutting out." Glenn said, playing with the radio.

It reconnected again. "Those who arrive, survive."

"Did I hear that right?" I asked as the silence in the car grew as we tried to listen.

It repeated. "Those who arrive, survive. Terminus."

"I think you did." Glenn turned to me with a grin. I did, I heard it correctly.



This was the first we were hearing of this place. "Do you really think it's legit?" Noah asked as everyone had awoken by Glenn and I's talking. The broadcast had stopped, we couldn't seem to get a station anymore. But I knew what we heard and it was real.

"It has to be. We have to go there, Beth could be there!" I exclaimed. Little did we know that we stopped in a dead zone. "The others could be th-" I paused to find a heard of walkers coming our way. The others then turned their gaze to the front where they saw exactly what I saw. Walkers. Heaps and heaps of bloody walkers who saw us.

I turned the headlights off but it was too late. "We need to move!" Glenn shouted as I tried to start the car but it was not starting.

"Not now." I groaned, turning the key.

"We need to get out." Eugene suggested and everyone agreed. This car would be useless if we couldn't use it to get out of here alive.

"You guys go that side and I'll go here and meet you around the other side." I yelled as I pulled the door handle to open the door.

"No," Glenn stopped me, "I'm not letting you go."

"You have to. Protect the others and I'll see you soon." I told him. Why was I doing this? Because there was no other way. This was going to give Glenn and the others a chance.

"Maggie, wait!" Glenn shouted but I was already gone.

For Glenn and only Glenn. I would come back to you, always.

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now