Chapter eleven: Vows.

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Chapter eleven: Vows.

The first time I realised I wanted to marry Maggie was when we survived together. In the car. Driving away from the farm, in fear. I remembered how terrified she was and how worried she was about everyone who was there. We didn't know who had got out of it. I had to go with my gut and head to the highway where we found everyone. And that was when I realised that I wanted to marry Maggie.

"Keep shooting." I repeated as the loud bangs went off, attracting more walkers.

"I'm running out." She yelled as she shot her second to last bullet. And it was all gone.

"Shit." She banged her gun to make sure there were not bullets left and she was right. Noah and I still fired at the walkers that were trying to get close, we may have to use our hands when we ran out.

Maggie placed her gun in her gun pouch and headed into the van where the rest of the guns were. I heard the van door shut and that was when I sighed with relief. I knew she was safe.

"How many do you think we can take down?" Noah asked as we continued to shot the walkers right in the skull.

"Maybe a few by hand." I shouted back as my gun ran out of bullets.

I took out my knife and walked straight up to the left over walkers. "Cover me." Noah started shooting any walker that tried to get me while I began to stab any walker I came in contact with in the brain. There were so many walkers, it was hard to count because I was more focused on killing these things before they got to us.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Eugene looking terrified. "What are you doing?" Noah screamed as he was not looking at his target. He could accidentally shoot me with just one hit. And now I was surrounded with only my knife to protect me.

"Noah!" I shouted but what if it was too late. What if I was already gone?

Maggie's POV

"Where are the damn guns?" I looked under one of the seats from the van, letting Eugene slip out of my sight. I ran my hands through my faded, ginger, greasy hair and pushed myself up and that was when I noticed that I was all alone in this van

Where was Eugene?

Abraham was going to be so pissed when he found out that the Eugene was exposed to the walkers that roamed this world. I looked out the window to still see Glenn and Noah, trying to kill the off the rest of the walkers. And that was when I notice Glenn grabbing out his knife and risking his life, once again. Gosh, I loved him to bits but he could be a real idiot sometimes. Noah soon noticed Eugene when I did. He could get us all killed by leaving like that when Abraham told him to stay in the van.

The doors were already open and I pulled Eugene back. "What are you doing?"

"I just thought you might need some help." He said in a bored tone.

"Do you have a weapon?" I snapped.

He shook his head. "I couldn't find them."

"So, you thought you would go out there unarmed?" I snapped again but he said nothing. "Here." I said as I walked back into the van while gunshots and moans were still being heard. I got a pack of bullets and loaded my gun up. I headed back outside where I jumped off the step and handed him my gun.

"Load it up and you are good to go," I ordered, "are you sure about this?"

He nodded. "Positively sure, m'am. I want to do everything I can to help."

I laughed. "Good but please, don't call me m'am." He nodded with a small smile before heading towards Noah while Glenn was still in the crowd. I headed back inside the van where I finally located the bag of guns that were stored here for emergency. Well, this was an emergency. The gun shots were slowed down as I still heard Glenn in the background. I headed back outside to the others who were killing off the last walkers.

Noah shot the last one in the head as Glenn just finished killing another one. Blood was splattered all over his skin and clothing, all I wanted to do was run up to him and hug him. And that was what I did.

"Baby, are you okay?" I stroked his hair and his cheek.

His kissed me gently on the lips. "Now that you're here."

"What are on earth is going on here?" We all turned our heads to the direction of the voice. "This place is crawling with zombies thanks to you." Abraham and Rosita approached us with guns in their hands.

"We had no choice." Glenn let go of me, looking annoyed. "Would you rather we let the walkers surround the van until we ran out of air?"

"What is he doing out?" Abraham snapped, ignoring Glenn's point. "He could have gotten himself killed!" As he said those words, he walked up to Eugene in an angry way and snatched the gun away from him and chucked it onto the ground.

I retrieved my gun, feeling like he was out of line. "I'm pretty sure Eugene is capable of helping us out with walkers." I frowned.

"He could have gotten himself killed because of you idiots." He stepped closer to me, over powering me. He wouldn't hit a women, would he?

"Hey, hey, hey." Glenn stepped in between us. "Don't you dare touch her."

"Abraham!" Rosita yelled. It was like she knew what he was going to do. And maybe she was right.

"Back away." Glenn pushed Abraham slightly.

"Don't touch me." He pushed Glenn into me, making us topple over and Glenn angrier.

"Are you okay?" He took my hand as I nodded. "Then, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."

"Glenn, no!" I tried to grab both of his hands but, he pulled them away and headed straight for Abraham who looked ready for anything. And with one punch, Glenn had fallen onto the ground.


I decided to change the POV to Maggie for the rest of the story, I just thought it would be nice to hear a POV from Maggie instead :)

I hope you are liking to so far and thank you to the ones who are voting!!
Much love, Sarah!

Fighting Walkers - With Love (The Walking Dead, Series two, Maggie & Glenn) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now