Chapter 20: Getting Ready

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Narrator's P.O.V.

It's currently Friday, 5 P.M in Magnolia. The sun is going down, as it is dusk. The autumn leafs fall from the branches from the breeze.

"Erza and Jellal should be here any minute now!" Mira announces. Everyone looks towards the clock and notices the time. 3 knocks are heard at the door.

"That aught to be them." Natsu rises from the floor and opens the door.

"Hey, guys!" Natsu does his signature grin. Jellal awkwardly waves his hand, being the shy guy that he is and Erza nods while smiling, making the 'mhmp' noise. "Come on in!" Natsu waves his own hand towards himself, signalling the two friends to come in.

Erza and Jellal enter the house, looking around as they walk in the hallway. "Remind me how rich your family is again?! This isn't just a house, it's a bloody mansion!"

"Heh, I come from a rich family - It's not always a nice thing, trust me." Natsu scratches his head, whilst talking to the two.

"Hey guys!" Erza jumps to the group, while Jellal awkwardly follows after her. Everyone greeting the both of them, they all notice they need to be driving to Minstel in 2 hours. The group looks at each other, then all jump up onto their feet.

"DIBS ON THE BATHROOM FIRST!" All girls shout in unison. "I SAID FIRST!"

"NO, ME!"

"NO, I DID!"


All the girls shout to each other, and then Natsu comes up with a plan.

"Follow me, ladies." He walks into the library. "Now, don't judge me why I have this - it isn't mine...It's my sisters." He grabs hold onto a book and pulls it towards him from the top. A secret door appears when the bookshelf moves forward then to the side.

"Well, this isn't Cliché at all..." Levy makes a sarcastic comment to the scene.

"Hah, funny." Once the entrance fully opens, Natsu walks through it, signalling with his hand for the girls to follow them.

The 3 females and 1 male finally get to the end of the hallway they walk through, and just sees a plain brown door.

"What's with the door?" Lucy asks, with her hand on her hip.

"Just open it." Natsu smirks. The girls look at each other and Erza goes in the front of the group.

"I'll do it." Erza volunteers and puts her hand on the doorknob. She twists it slowly to the left and pushes forward.

"Woooooow.....This. Is. Magical~" The feminine species awe in beauty. What they've just walked into is a massive room, with a dozen mirrors, wardrobes, makeup packs and even a salon.

"I knew you girls would like this. Welp, I better get myself ready too. Don't forget to hurry." Natsu closes the door behind him, walking up the passage-way once again to the front room.

"Well, this'll be interesting." Erza states.

Everyone goes and gets ready for the wedding, not knowing about an un-expected guest that will attend it.

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