Chapter 14: Levy's Babysitting.

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Levy's P.O.V

I get home and place my bag down on the floor. "Levy! Welcome home!" My aunt, Bisca greets while holding her child (my cousin), Asuka.

"Hi Aunt Bisca! Where's Uncle Alzack?" I say, curiously.

"He's at work. And I gotta get to work soon too, mind babysitting Asuka for me?" She hands over Asuka.

"No problem." I smile.

"Thank you, Levy!" Aunt Bisca goes upstairs to get ready for work.

"Levy-chan!" My little cousin, Asuka says. Asuka is 6-years-old girl with dark green hair, nearly black. We think of each other as sisters, not cousins.

"Hey there, Asuka!" I smile warmly at her.

"Can we play with my dolls?" She asks excitedly.

"Sure." I say kindly, "What dolls?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we please play with my...Attack on Titan dolls?" Asuka says innocently.

"A-Attack on Titan?!" It shocks me how a young girl like that watches a TV show like that, and even has the merchandise for it!

"Yes! Attack on Titan is my favorite TV show! So can we? Please! Please! Please!" She pleads. I give in with a sigh.

"Fine..." I say. Asuka grins and go gets her dolls from her bedroom.

"You can be Mikasa! I can play as....Eren!" Asuka hands me the Mikasa doll. I look at it un-surely. How could a young innocent child possibly like this show? I'm 16, yet I've only watched it once and I don't love it!

"Levy-chan?" Asuka says, snapping me out of my psychotic imaginary world.

"Hmm?" I say as if nothing has happened.

"Come on!" She drags me to the ground. She coughs as she sits down and holds up the Eren doll.

"Oh Mikasa! Do you want to kill some titans with me?" Asuka says in a deep manly voice, even though it's still high-pitched due to her being quite young.

"Eren! You know we shouldn't be messing around with titans..." I say in a Mikasa impression.


I get a call on FaceTime on my iPhone a few hours later, so I check who it's from.

"Who is it, Levy-chan?" Asuka asks, heading towards my phone.

"I dunno? Let's see." I press 'Answer' on the screen, and the face of my brother is revealed.

"Jellal? Hey!" I smile.

"Hey there, Levy. I see you have to babysit Asuka?" He chuckles. I nod as a sign of 'Yes' and hum 'Mhm'.

"Hi Jellal-san!" Asuka giggles and waves. Jellal waves back at her over the screen.

"So, I have news~!" Jellal says happily.

"Oh? And what news may that be?" I smirk, thinking him and Erza have started going out. He somehow reads my mind.

"What? No! I'm not with Erza!" He shouts, "Yet.." I hear him mutter under his breath.

I pout "Whatever, Brother! You suck." I pout more. I hear him chuckle a bit.

"Anyways, You probably know that Mermaid Heel High and Fairy Tail High are joining together since you attend Fairy Tail High, right?" He asks, I nod. "Since Erza will be in Magnolia, I'll be going to Magnolia as well." He announces, making me surprised.

"What! How did Mother agree to that?" I say shockingly.

"I have my ways." He laughs.

"Where will you be staying?" I ask.

"Oh, I was wondering, could Erza and I stay at Aunt Bisca and Uncle Alzack's place? She doesn't really want to stay in the hotel with the other classmates." Jellal asks innocently, making my shrug.

"I'll have to ask Aunt Bisca and Uncle Alza-" I start to say, but get cut off by the door opening.

"Levy!I'm home!" I hear a masculine voice.

"Daddy!" Asuka runs to her Father- my uncle Alzack. He takes her into his arms and kisses her, as he usually does. I look back at the screen and see Jellal pointing to uncle Alzack.

"Uncle, can Jellal and Erza stay over for 2 weeks?" I ask my uncle innocently. He looks at me with a strange look.

"Who's Erza?" He asks, and so I explain everything - who Erza is, and why Jellal and Erza are going to be staying, and about Erza not wanting to go to the hospital. He nods, "Oh. Okay then, that's fine- I guess."

"Jellal! He said yes!" I announce to Jellal, making him smile.

"Really? Yes! I can't wai-" Jellal starts to say, but then gets cut off by a girl at the door.

"Jellal, who on earth are you talking to?!" The girl yells.

"Erza, it's just Levy." Jellal reasons out. Erza goes to the screen.

"Oh- Hi, Levy!" She waves, making me wave back at her.

"Hey there, Erza!" I smile.

"Levy, come on, it's 9 P.M. Meaning it's time for bed." Uncle says. Making my groan.

"Fine... Bye, Jellal and Erza! I'll be seeing you soon!" I turn off the FaceTime Call and go into my bed.

I softly close my eyes, and fall into a soothing sleep.

Online {NaLu}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora