Chapter 19: Drip, Drip, Drop.

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I hope you like this ^-^ It's nothing special and it's kind of short. I'm sorry for the short chapters recently... :P Also, I'd like to note- Yes, characters are OOC (Out of Character) but this IS an AU story and I try my best xD


Lucy's P.O.V

It's currently September, and Mermaid Heel High have been in our school for a week, meaning there's one week left.

I sit on the table at lunch with Mira, Levy, Erza and Jellal. "Hi!" I greet them as I sit down.

"Hello, Lucy." Erza smiles and waves maturely.

"Hi Lu!" Levy grins massively.

"Hey LuLu! How's you and Natsu?" Mira smirks at me.

"Mira..." I groan in annoyance.

This is how the greetings are normally like. Jellal is the silent one, he only really acts like himself in front of Erza and Levy.

"Lucy, I need to talk to you privately for a moment." I hear a surprise voice. I look up.

"Uhm, sure Jellal." I get up. I notice Jellal's blush, which caught Erza's attention as well.

Jellal and I both walk away from the table. I turn around and see Erza look jealous with her arms crossed.

"Uhm, Jellal. What is this about?" I say awkwardly.

"I..." Jellal hesitates to say more. I know what he's doing; he's obviously confessing his love for me.

"I need advice on how to tell Erza I like her! Please, I beg of you!" He kneels on the floor begging.

Woah. First time I've seen this guy like this.

"Oh, so you like Erza, eh?" I smirk and whistle.

"Y-Yes..." Jellal's cheeks go a hint of red; indicating he's blushing.

"What makes you think I can help you? If you need advice, there's Mirajane." I cross my arm and slant my hips.

"But I want to go to someone who's in a relationship." Jellal looks down.

"Uhm, Jellal...I'm not in a relationship..." Why does he think I'm in a relationship? And, who with?

"Lucy, I know you're dating Natsu. It's kind of obvious..."  Jellal says in a 'no duh' tone.

"Jellal, trust me. I'm not dating Natsu." I tell him.

"But you like him."

"W-What?!" I blush hard.

"You're blushing and you stuttered. It's quite obvious." He states.

"Okay, Okay, fine! I like Natsu. Just don't tell anybody- Especially Mira." I threat.

"Okay, your secret is safe with me. But now, can you tell me how I can tell Erza?" Jellal goes back to begging.

"Hmm...I have an idea. I'll ask Erza if she likes you. I'll tell you what she says. After I do that, you find the right time then tell her. Got it?" I say, with my fingers on my chin.

"Yes, good idea." Jellal nods.

"Well, we should be getting back to the table before they suspect anything." I start to walk back with Jellal behind me.

"So, what were you two talking about?" Erza asks, trying to hide her anger although it's hot hidden very well.               

"Oh, just stuff" I hesitate. Everyone stares at me, but thankfully Natsu comes to us.

"Yo, guys! I have some news," Natsu says.

"Oh?" Levy is the only one to reply.

"Turns out, I have a brother," Everyone gasps. "The eldest of me and my 3 sisters, his name is Zeref."

"Zeref? I swear I've heard that name before..." Mira puts her index finger and her thumb on her chin in a thinking way.

"He played a villain in a movie before." Natsu says.

"Ah! Yes! He played a dark wizard from the movie Tenrou!" Mira sparks up from realization, "He's my favourite actor! You're related?"

"Mira, did you even listen to what he said about him being his brother?" Levy says in a 'really bitch?' tone.

"Anyways," Natsu carries on, "Turns out he's getting married in a town called Minstrel. My mum said I could invite some friends to come, so I'm inviting you guys. Care to join?"

"Of course! Mind if I invite my boyfriend, Gajeel?" Levy grins widely.

"Sure." Natsu replies bluntly.

"Jellal and I can come. When's the wedding?" Erza asks.

"Saturday. I was hoping Friday night we can stay round my house so we can go up together Saturday."

"That's a grand idea, Natsu." Erza says.

"Does this mean I need to find a date?" Mira questions. We all look at her.

"Uhm, Mira...none of us have dates." I say to her.

"You should be. Natsu x Lucy, Erza x Jellal and Gajeel x Levy!" Mira exclaims.

"Mira!!" We all groan at her. She replies with a giggle and a smile.

"Alright, so Friday we're all gonna be going to my house for the night. Okay?" Natsu says, everyone nodding.

"Well, Thursday the school, Jellal and I will be going back home to Crocus but we'll drive up here and be at your house at 5." Erza says.

"Okay! Then it's settled. This is gonna be great."


Narrator's P.O.V




Rain falls from the sky in the town of Joya; a small town in Fiore.

A small girl curled in a ball cries.

She mumbles "The rain today is no different than any other day...".

This particular girl has long ocean blue hair. She wears dark blue clothing and always carries an umbrella.

Her name is Juvia.


Hey readers. Were you expecting a chapter this early? Surprise! XD

I met some of my fellow Taureans from last chapter B)

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What's your nationality?

My answer: I'm British :D

See you guys next time!

Bye!!!~ ^_^

-Rose-chan <3

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