Everyone jumped and looked at Lay but it wasn't him.

" HAHAHAHA I got7 you guys good."

Chanyeol growled.
" This is not the time to be fooling around Chen hyung. We have just discovered that out baby hyung is all grown up!"

He turned to Xuimin.

" Who is she?"
Xuimin mined zipping his mouth.

" Do we know her?"
Xuimin remained silent.

"Can we meet her?"
Xuimin shook his head firmly.
" No."

"Wait.... XUIMIN OPPA HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!?!" Krystal screamed.

They all sighed.
" Yes Krystal. Please keep up. We are currently trying to find out who could possibly like our baozi hyung." Said Sehun.

There was a sudden loud crash from the room next door and everybody looked at each other before bolting to the door.

"Hey! W..Wait!!"
Xuimin chased after them but was a little late as everyone entered the room next door (Aka Xuimin and Chen's room).

A tomato faced girl sat up on the ground slowly, rubbing her back.

Looking up and seeing them all, her eyes widened.

" Um. .um.. I'm...back from Narnia?"

" What?!? So you mean to tell me, that you and Ga Young-sshi have been dating in secret?!?"

" Well...basically. .yes. Yes we have been doing exactly that." Xuimin frowned.

Suho sighed and collapsed onto the bed, rubbing his temples.

Kris scowled at Xuimin and Luhan.
"Your secret relationships are causing Mommy a headache. Shoo! Shoo!"

He used both of his hands to shoo them out.
Cute, but serious.

" Ah, this was not how I was going to introduce my girlfriend! " Xuimin exclaimed.

Most of then were in the living room, all spread out on the chairs and floor.

" Well it's really not a surprise. Well, it is for Xuimin oppa but we all knew that Luhan like Luna. But it is is a surprise that he was able to ask her out." Declared Sulli who was sitting on Chanyeol. (He was lying on the floor flat.)

" Then it is a surprise..right?" Asked Lay, now thoroughly confused.

Everyone nodded and then Lay nodded satisfied.

"Why are you sitting on Chanyeol hyung Sulli noona?" Tao asked, wide eyed.

" Just because." Sulli shrugged.
" Where is Ga Young anyways?"

"I believe she's being interrogated by Krystal, which of course leads to D.O hyung (though he has no reason to) and Chen hyung."

Xuimin jumped up from his chair.

Sehun was not given the chance to reply as Xuimin rushed out of the living room.

3 second later, he rushes back in.
" Who's room?"

Sehun shrugged.
"Kai hyung's? I guess?"

Nodding, he rushed back out.

Xuimin's POV

Dammit, where is my girl?!


I opened the door of my own room and saw my girl cornered.

Exo's secret bodyguard [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now