Three Years Later

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*Chapter 1: Three Years Later*

*Ariel's POV*

It has been three years since the One Direction concert. Three years since we have ever heard from them. Three years since I was happy.

Sure I pretend to be happy for my family and my best friend, Aubrey, but I don't know how much they believe. People have always told me that they're only a boy band and to get over it. But they were much more than that. When I was sad, they made me laugh. I wish I could meet them, so I could tell them how much they mean to me.

"Ariel, you here!" My best friend, Aubrey, yelled as she entered my house, shaking me from my thoughts. I sort of gave her a spare key since she's over basically everyday.

"In here!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"How's my best friend doing today?"She said happily as she entered the kitchen.

"Fine." I lied as I grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"Good, because my boss is allowing me to bring you in for the day." Aubrey told me.

"What am I? Your pet?" i asked sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. I've been begging him to let you spend the day with me at the studio today. Once he heard that you were a One Direction fan, he immediately said that I could bring you." Aubrey explained.

Aubrey works for some major record label that signs all kind of famous singers. I think she works for the same record label that One Direction were signed to. I'm not sure though.

"I don't know." I said in an unsure voice.

"Come on Ariel. I already told him you were coming." Aubrey begged.

"Fine." I said, giving up.

"Good, did I mention he wants to meet you too?" She asked quickly.

"What!" I said in disbelief.

"You already said you could come, now get in the car." Aubrey said quickly as she shoved me out of the kitchen and toward the front door.

I can't believe she told me her boss wants to meet me. Why would meet me? You know what, I don't care. It's not like her boss is anyone special anyway.

*At the studio*

"Whatever you do, don't look like you want to hurt me when you see my boss." Aubrey warned as we stopped in front of her bosses office door.

"Why would I hurt you?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll see." She mumbled as she turned toward the door.

Aubrey knocked and soon enough we heard a faint 'come in'.

"Remember what I told you, don't hurt me. I'm totally innocent." Aubrey told me before she opened the door and walked in.

I gave her a confused look before following her into her bosses office. When I finally did enter the office, I stopped dead in my tracks and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Mr. Cowell, this is my best friend, Ariel. Ariel, this is, as you know, Mr. Simon Cowell." Aubrey introduced.

I gave Aubrey a quick death glare before walking over to Simon's desk and shook his hand.

"Ariel, I've heard so much about you." He said with a smile.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then realized I don't know what to say.

"Sorry, she's a big fan." Aubrey explained.

"It's okay. I get it a lot." Simon replied. "Aubrey, if you don't mind, I would like to have a word with your friend alone."

"Sure." Aubrey said and walked out of the office.

Okay, what's going on here and why does the Simon Cowell want to have a word with me.

"Please take a seat." Simon said, pointing to the chairs in front of his desk and I obeyed.

"You're probably wondering why I agreed to Aubrey bringing you in today?" Simon asked, and I slowly shook my head yes.

"Well, she told me that you were a One Direction fan. Is that right?" He asked.

"Yes, sir," I replied, speaking for the first time since I entered the office.

"Are you still a One Direction fan by any chance?" Simon asked me.

"Yes, sir," I replied.

Why is he asking me about One Direction? They ended their careers three years ago.

"You're probably wondering why I am asking you about One Direction." He said and I nodded. "Well, I'll tell you why. I'm thinking about getting them back for a reunion tour and I need a fans help to pull it off. And I can tell that you're still very much upset about their falling out when I first mentioned the band. So I think this could work. Are you in?" Simon explained.

I sat there for a moment, processing what he just said, before I made my decision.

"Um, okay," I said slowly.

"I was hoping you were going to say that. Now listen to these instructions very carefully. You are NOT  to tell anyone about this plan. We still have to find them and force them into agreeing. You can't even tell Aubrey. Speaking of Aubrey, you are to tell you that I offered you a job, in which you took, and you will be reporting to work with her. Do I make myself clear?" Simon explained in all seriousness.

"Yes, sir," I replied.

"Good, you start today." Simon told me with a smile.

What did I just get myself into?

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