Chapter 2: Six Months

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I texted Bridget when I got home.

No response.

I tried calling her the next morning.

Still no response.

How was it that the one time I really needed her to help me through something, she was unavailable. I decided that I would wait one week before I let Bridget in on anything, just so I could have a little bit longer to pretend that it all wasn't true.

That week, I made sure to be extra affectionate towards her. At some points, she seemed agitated by it, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Finally, she did manage to question me on my behavior. It only took her three whole days.

"What is up with you lately? It's like you're a teenage boy with a hyperactive dick who believes he's in love with his first real girlfriend." She asked from beside me. We were both lying down on my bed, cuddling as much as she would allow.

"I just want to show you how much you mean to me Bridge, is that so wrong?" I kissed the top of her head.

"Well, no, but I feel like you're smothering me a little." She mumbled out.

"I've just been dealing with a lot and you're the only one that makes me feel better." I retorted.

"What kind of stuff are you dealing with?"

"Parent stuff, nothing too important."

"Speaking of your parents, how did your dinner go?" I held back a growl.

"I don't want to talk about that." I stammered out.

"Okay then. Listen Nik, I've gotta get going. Got a lunch date with Kelly." She sat up in the bed, climbed off, then walked to the dresser to grab her purse.

"Be safe. Will I see you tonight?" I asked.

"Maybe. I'll let you know, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

She didn't come back that night.


I had been dreading this day for a whole week. Bridget was on her way over for dinner, and I was trying to calm myself down. I toyed with the idea of  running away to elope, but somehow felt that my dad would drag my ass to court, and forge my signature on the divorce papers.

I honestly felt like I was too nervous to function.

In one week, my life went from perfection to pure disaster, and there was no way that I could fix any of it. It had been a week since I had spoken to my parents, and despite her incessant calling and voice mails, I ignored my mother.

It was difficult, I had never gone this long without talking to her, but the fact that she was allowing this pissed me off more than I could express.

In two weeks time, I was going to be married to a soulless eyed freak who didn't give a damn about ruining my relationship, or being related to her black mailing parents.

And now, I had to break the news to Bridget which was definitely not something I was looking forward to. Just as Conor was pulling the lasagna out of the oven (pre made of course, neither one of us could cook shit) the bell rang.

"Do you want me to get it Nik?" He asked. Conor was being supportive of me, but at the same time, my parents were really his bosses, so he had to go along with them.

I understand this now, but back then I wasn't too fond of him either for siding with them.

"No, I'll get it." I quit my pacing, and walked towards the door.

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