Chapter 23: Change Fate

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Daniel's POV

We we're at the hospital. Me, Travis, Joshua, and who I learned to be travis's brother Maxwell and his son were the only ones that didn't get hurt badly but we were on the edge.

Travis almost killed a doctor because they couldn't answer any questions about Naomi.

Joshua tried to see Anastasia but he was held back by many doctors.

Maxwell was attending to his son making sure he was ok but he seemed to be waiting for Naomi's result.

And I was outside. Jaylan got hurt badly and I couldn't deal with the pain of not being able to protect her. If she dies, it'll be the end of me.

Jaylan's POV

I opened my eyes to darkness. Did I die? Just then something appeared, a white light. My gateway to heaven?

"Jaylan" it spoke.


"You aren't dead...yet"


"Yes. You have a choice. Its either your death and your two friends live or you live and one of your friend dies."

"Are you serious?"


"Then I chose my death. Do I have time to say goodbye?"

"I'm afraid not." I smiled. I will watch them from heaven but Daniel...

I never got to tell him I loved him and now I won't get the chance.

"You van still change your decision."

"No. My decision is final." I told him smiling with tears running down my face.

Anastasia's POV

A saw a white light in the mist of darkness and walked over to it. Where am I?


"Who said that?" I looked around only to see the white light.

"I am talking to you."

"I must be crazy."

"No, but your on the verge of death."

"So I'm not dead?"

"No. But you have a choice."

"What choice?"

"Its either you die and your 2 friends live including the 2 you saved or you live and you can pick one of them to die."

"Well its not much of a choice. I choose to die."

"You sure?"

"Yes but can I somehow talk to Joshua?"

"Not possible." How sad. I won't get to tell him huh? But I won't choose anyone's death over mine.

"My choice is final."

Naomi's POV

Was I in hell? Everywhere was pitch black. Where tf was I?

"Naomi." I looked around only to see a white light.

"Whose there? Show yourself."

"I'm the white light in front of you." Wtf am I crazy ?

"No, your not crazy."

"Um, alright. But where am I?"

"A place where you can change your fate."

"I'm dying aren't I?"

"Yes. But you have a choice."

"What is it?"

"You live and one injured person dies or you die and everyone lives."

"I choose to live."


"No, stupid light. Why would I live just for someone to die? I wouldn't be satisfied with myself."

"So you choose death?"

"Yes. I do."

"You won't be able to see them"

"Of course I will, I'll watch over them." I smiled. I hope that idiot doesn't go on a rampage. I looked at myself as a felt water.

Look at me crying. I wiped my tears and gave a smile. Goodbye.

Daniel's POV

I felt something was wrong so I walked backed into the waiting room to find doctors rushing in and out of places.

"What's going on?"

"These doctors are rushing out the same 3 rooms: Anastasia's, Jaylan's, and Naomi's" Joshua said, he looked like he was trying and Travis and Maxwell looked pale.

I sat down on a chair. They were going to be fine.

Please let them be fine.

* 1 hour later *

One doctor came in we all stood up.

"How are they?" Joshua asked.

"We tried our best but their pulses were so faint"


"I'm sorry but they are dead"

I know you guys hate me, I'd hate me too.

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