Chapter 22: The Battle Pt.2

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Naomi's POV

"Natalie, Austin... DON'T TELL YOU KILLED THEM?!"

He had an evil grin.

"If they don't survive its not my problem." He threw the bloody knife on across the room and smirk.

Even if it costs me my life, I swear this man will die.

"You bastard." Maxwell spat.

"Careful Nephew. I wouldn't want a certain child in die." He smiled. What a sicko.

Matthew had been in a cage some feet away to us but he was unharmed which I was thankful for.

He started walking towards me and I saw a gun in his hand.

'It has silver bullets' Tasia said and I clenched my teeth.

Just then the door busted open revealing Anastasia, Jaylan, Daniel, Joshua, And him.

"The guests I've been waiting for." He smiled.

Travis was the first one to run down the steps running towards Austin and Natalie they looked so pale and I remembered she was his sister. Oh god.

His eyes turned blacked and he took steps toward his uncle.

"I suggest you stop if you don't want your little mate dead." He pointed the gun to my head and he immediately stopped.


"This is NOT the time for you and your brother issues. You will save him."

"What do you mean?" Before anything could happen with all my energy I kicked Rucksack hard in his ankle making him drop the gun.

"You bitched." He slapped me and I felt blood running down from my mouth.

"That will be payed back with your death." I assured him.

"NOW!" Jaylan yelled and the silver that was on me and maxwells ankles

Badass witch on our side? Check.

We both for up and before we realized it we were surrounded by wolves thirsty for blood.

They all shifted but me, something told me I shouldn't shift just yet but I was going to kick ass for sure.

Anastasia's POV

When Jaylan the go I melted the silver. Im so glad it worked but that was the least of our problems.

Many wolves surrounded us and you could feel their need for blood.

The boys shifted but my gaze shifted to Austin and Natalie they were dying. I never practiced healing but if it worked I would either faint or lose a lot of energy.

The battle broke loose. I ran over to them and grabbed both their hands. No pulse. No. I won't accept it.

I watched as my hands glowed green. I didn't know if it would help them or kill me but I was going to try it.

I closed my eyes and I felt something as I held their hands.

'Anastasia stop. You are going to kill yourself.'
'I have to heal them'
'It's fine. They have been helpful and I won't let them die.'

I let go of their hands only to see that they weren't as pale as before. I did it.

I felt dizzy but I still got up. I needed to help the others. I looked around and all the other wolves were defeated. Wow, were stronger than I thought.

"Such a shame. But I'm not going out with a bang." The crazy man was talking as he held up a gun. It was pointed at any of us but at a small child who was across the room.

"Don't touch him." A guy beside Naomi growled at him.

"I won't. The silver will though." He pulled the trigger directly aiming at the child.

I turned to stop it but it was too late and I was too weak.

But the boy wasn't harmed. I looked around to see everyone and they froze I looked back at the boy and a dark brown wolf was covering him lying on the ground not moving. Naomi.

"NO!" I screamed and the place started shaking everyone ran to Naomi but me. I stood there frozen. All the memories, no... this was not the fate we were suppose to face.

"Anastasia calm down" it was Joshua but I ignored him and started walking towards the man who held the gun straight at me.

The others wanted to run but I froze their bodies so they couldn't move.


The man started laughing as he made a shot. He missed. He made another one. He missed.

"What the hell?!" He spat and I had a crooked smile.

I looked at him as he fell to the floor and the gun dropped from his hand and he turned pale.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him. Blood came from his mouth as he tried to talk.

"I-if you kill me your going to hell." He said pathetically.

I smirked.
"Then say hello to Satan for me." I watched as blood ran from his eyes and he fell to the ground.

I turned to face Joshus who was staring at me I looked down to see blood gushing out my nose. I guess I did too much , huh? I then fell to the cold hard ground myself

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