Chapter 5: The Party

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Anastasia's POV

I had to think of some way to stale them but how?

"I know."
"Now you talk celestia?"
"I was busy."
"With what?"
"Sleeping." Ugh. Useless wolf.
"Hey, I'm strong when I need to be."
"Whatever. Anyway what's your idea?"
"Shopping." Duh.
"I forgot about that, thanks."
"And I'm the useless one."

"Guys why don't we go shopping?"

"Are you crazy? No I'm tired." Said Naomi.

"Yea me too, let's just go to the pack house."

"No. Not like this, you both shifted and your wearing gym clothes that stink so let's go shopping."

"If we stink that would give us more than enough reason to go back to the pack house and change" I glared at Naomi and she gave a smile.

"Were going shopping. That's it."

"Well I wouldn't mind getting new shorts"

"Well I'm going back to the pack house" Naomi said this and I grabbed the back of her shirt and gave her the death glare.
"Oh did you say shopping? I heard school. Let's go." I let go of her as I smiled and she sighed.

'This should give them the time they needed.' I thought.

30 minutes later

"MY FEET ARE KILLING ME" Naomi was fed up.

"But we just have to get dresses now" I told them

"Why do we have to dress up?"

"You'll find out now both of you go pick a dress and come back here wearing it." I already bought a dress that went up to my ankles, because I was short no one noticed it was just a long shirt. Ha.

I sat there for almost 10 minutes waiting for both of them to come out when I finally got up to see Naomi and Jaylan standing in front of me.

"Where are my friends because I think they got lost in those curves." Jaylan laughed and Naomi gave me the 'really look.' But they both looked gorgeous.

Jaylan was wearing a short tight fitted dress with pumps while Naomi had a high-low dress with flats.

"Can we go now?" Naomi said.
"Yes the cabs already here."

Joshua's POV

"Everyone they are coming shut up." The lights were off and it was dead silent as we heard footsteps headed for the door.





"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYLAN" everyone in the pack house screamed as the for went open.

"This is for me?" She said pointing to herself.

"Yes is." Sis... how will she respond to that?

"Thanks Joshie" she said hugging me. Joshie. She used to calm me that when we were younger. I wanted to apologize again but today wasn't the time so I just smiled at her.

"You two knew" she said looking at get friends.

"No. But I should've." Naomi said glaring at Anastasia who smiled. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her from behind. She was amazingly short but cute in every way.

"Gross." Naomi said

"Awe" my sister smiled.

"Can you let me go now?" Anastasia said looking down.

"No your mine." I growled and bit her ear playfully as she blushed.

"Ok. I'm going now."
"Right behind you."

Jaylan and Naomi quickly left and I looked down at Anastasia.

"I need to talk to you." She nodded and I took her upstairs to my room.

For you dirty minded readers you better calm your hormones it isn't like that c;

Anastasia's POV

He led me upstairs and down the hall to to his room.
"Oh you move quick"
"Celestia shut up. He just wants to talk."
"Talk? Is he going to reject us?!"
"I don't think so. Let's just find out."

I ended the mind-link with celestia and looked over at Joshua who was on the bed.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Come here." He says pointing to the bed.

"Let me think about it. NO."

"Come here." He says in his beta voice which makes me think his wolf is in control so I sit right beside him on the bed.

"Anastasia I think what you wear is too revealing."

What? Come again??!

"Excuse me? You just found out I was your mate today. And you think you now have the right to tell me that what I wear is too revealing?!"

"You tell him. There's nothing to even reveal." Celestia jokes.
"Not the time. Go back to bed."
"Yea, yea."

He growls and grabs me and lays me on the bed pinning down my arms while hovering on top of me.

"What are you-" you crashed his lips onto mine while sliding his hand into my dress and stopping right on my thigh grabbing it roughly which makes me moan a little. He then stops and stares at me.

"Do you know how easy that was? Your dress was so short I didn't need any time to get to your thigh. It was too damn easy. But maybe, your the easy one."

That hurt. I slapped him as soon as it came out his mouth and his eyes became dark but I could see regret in them. I hopped out the bed stumbling a little and ran out the door.

"Naomi come to the hallway now" I mind-linked her.

"Which one? There's like 4?! And I'm eating cake"

"Just go through them and find me."

"Why am I always the one that has to do the back breaking work?!" With this I ended the mind link and cried my heart out in the hallway.

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