Chapter 9: "Im Done."

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Anastasia's POV

I went downstairs only to see a guy looking at me with lust in his eyes.

"Your adorable."

"Yea, I know."

'Celestia stop it'
'Make me.'
'I can't. Why am I not in control of myself'
'Because you were about to go crazy so I took over, now let's have some fun.'

"Wanna grab a drink?"
"Sure." I walked over with him following behind and he handed me a drink but I smelled something inside. What a pity.

"I'm not thirsty."
"That's too bad" the guy said staring at me with his eyes still full of lust. I went to walk away but he grabbed my ass and when I went to turn around he kissed me while forcefully shoving his tongue into my mouth.

'This is not fun.'

Celestia gave me back control but only to have the guy ripped off from me and on the floor with blood running down his nose.


He turned to be looking at no one because I was already out the door running towards the forest. I need to get away. I kept running and noticed how fast I was going. Was I always this fast? I turned around to see 2 wolves following behind me. A light brown one (Naomi) and a hazel colored one (Jaylan) I stopped running.

They looked at me before shifting back.
"What happened?" Jaylan asked.
"N-nothing." I said.

"Don't say that. You were never that fast." Naomi said continuing.

"And we saw you ... and that slob monkey looking trash."

Did he look that bad? Celestia damnit.

I explained the situation to them and they were both mad.

"I'm going to kill joshua" I heard Naomi say.

"No. I'm over it and I'm done with him" I said smiling and they both exchanged looks.

"Your speed... what was that about?" Jaylan asked.

"I don't know actually" I said truthfully

"Well whatever it was you need to share." Naomi said laughing. Please, she was the fastest wolf in our pack and she was pretty strong.

We started walking back when I looked at them.
"You guys might want to go in from the back."

Joshua's POV

I punched the guy so many times until Daniel and a few others held me back.

"Get out before I kill you" I growled as he left. Pathetic human.

I turned to Anastasia and she was gone.

'I saw that coming'
'Shut up' I told my wolf.

"PARTY'S OVER" Daniel told everyone who wasn't living in this house that they had 3 seconds to get out before it became a murder scene. By the way they were running he should of gave them 2.

We got some pack members to clean up and we sat for about 10 minutes until we heard the back door open. I got up but Daniel was asleep.

"Anastasia." She didn't even look anywhere but straight ahead about to climb the stairs.

"Look I'm sorry but you kissed another guy too." She started climbing up the stairs.

"Are you going to ignore me now?" I followed her as she climbed up the second to last staircase and finally grabbed her hand.

Suddenly I was overcome with pain on the hand that I grabbed her with and immediately let go and fell back two steps. I heard a chuckle and she went to Jaylan's room and closed the door locking it behind her.

'What was that'
'I don't know, the only people I believe that can do that would be witches'
'But Anastasia isn't a....' I was cut off by the thought of it. Didn't they even die out?

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