Chapter 15: Luna?

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Travis POV

I was downstairs as Natalie was frying pancakes but I could only focus on Naomi.

"So she's awake?" Natalie says while looking at me.

"Yea..." I say before Austin walks in.

"Mhmm, pancakes."

"Oh! Your not dead yet. Yippie
.." He growled at this and she smiled. I didn't know what their problem was but they've been like this for a while.

"Mhmm smells nice."
"Making me drool."
The twins Ethan and Keith say.

"You won't get any before me" their older brother Jack saying.

"Hey man-wow..." For once Ethan did finish what he was saying and I looked to see why.


She came downstairs with only my shirt which stopped at her thighs and it even showed a little cleavage. I growled.

She came towards us rubbing her eyes
"I'm hungry..."

"I'll feed you." Keith says as his eyes roams throughout her body.

"Man, when your done with her can I have her?" Ethan says to me and her eyes shoot up.

She stares at me and I look down.
'Ace shut up.'

"I'm jack." He says taking her hand and kissing it. She smiles and I get up, grab Naomi and carry her back up to my room. I put her down on the bed.

"What was that about?"

"You tell me womanizer." She was now glaring at me.

"That was before I met you."

"Mhmm. Can I leave now?"

"NO!" She flinched back. And I came closer to her.

"I just want you here with me... I just found you and I'm not going to let you go." She sighed.

I got up and turned to the door when she hugged me.

"Uh..." She got off me and I turned to her smiling.

"Don't think I like you" I put my arms around her waist pulling her towards me.

"Can I claim you?"

"Are you crazy?"

I laughed and kissed her head.

"Stay up here."

"No. I'm hungry."

"I'll bring it up to you."

"Why can't I just come down?"

"Have you seen what your wearing?"

"Duh. Your shirt."

"It shows too much"

She buttons it up.

"Better father?" She says rolling her eyes.

"No. I'll bring up your food."

She nods and when I turn she runs downstairs making me chase after her.

I find her hiding behind Jack which makes me growl.

"Oh the alpha's mad"
"Run Jack. Or hit the rode." The twins laugh.

"Travis calm down" he says to me.

Naomi blows a kiss to me which makes the twins laugh.

"Oh by the way I'm Naomi"

"Well Naomi consider us your number one fan" the twins say.

She tries to run but I grab her and grab two plates full of pancakes and go back to the room locking the door.

"A little possessive if you ask me" she says taking a bite of the pancake.

"Well I'm not going to let other males eye-rape you especially when your their Luna."

She took another bite of her pancake
"I don't want to be a Luna"
"I want to go home..." She stopped eating.

"We addressed this."
"Choose someone else as your Luna. Choose one of your sluts." I knew she was going to say that. I growled at her and she growled back.


"Too many unmated mails out there."


"Let me mark you." She looked at me and I could tell she was in deep thought.

"F-fine." I looked af her in surprise. This might be my only chance so I'll take it.

I laid her down on the bed and unbuttoned my shirt as I saw her lace black bra.

"Wait this has nothing to do with-" I cut her off by kissing her and sliding my hand up her leg. She moaned and I put my tongue in her mouth while we were fighting for dominance. I pulled away and moved onto her neck as she moaned I started to lick the spot I would mark her.

"W-wait I can't do this." I stopped and looked at her.

"I know."

"What now?"

"I could feel you weren't ready"

"Yet you still did it."

"An opportunity was an opportunity."

She stared at me and immediately perked up.

"I'm going to the bathroom" with this she rushed over to it.

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