Chapter 31

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Bellamy's POV

I am woken up by someone laying down next to me. I open my eyes and see Clarke trying to get some place on the bed. I look at the clock that indicates it's 4 in the morning.
"What are you doing?" I ask with a sleepy voice.
"Great you're awake. Can you please give me some space?"
"Why? You have your own bed." She got up.
"Well I had a nightmare and I couldn't go back to sleep so I thought it would be easier if I sleep in your bed, but I think I'll just go back in my rooms finally." She snaps. I was to tired to reply and I fall asleep right after.


I woke up to someone punching me with a pillow.
"Wake up lazy ass! Breakfast ready." I recognise the voice immediately. Clarke. But she sounds angry. Why is she angry?
I sat on my bed and pull her toward me.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"Nothing." She try to leave but I don't let her.
"What's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare."
"Yeah I know you told me at like 4 in the morning."
"So you were awake."
"Of course I was I talk to you. I don't see what's the problem."
"You didn't gave me some space in your bed to sleep with you."
"You're angry because of that!"
"Yes! You're suppose to be there for me."
"I'm sorry! Did you went with O?"
"No Charlotte was already with her. I had to go see Dylan."
"Yeah. You know he's really good."
"Good at what?"
"Sex obviously."
"WHAT? You had sex with Dylan just because miss here wasn't happy because I didn't gave her space in my bed so she could sleep with me!"
"Exactly!" She went in her room and I followed her.
"What is your problem Clarke? Usually you wouldn't give a fuck about that."
"Well now I do okay!" At that moment Dylan enters the room. I wanted to kill him.
"Hey Clarke about last nigh-"
"You son of a-" They both started laughing. I was totally confused.
"Omg you should have seen your face Bell."
"What? You didn't have sex last night."
"Bell, you really think I would cheat on you just because you didn't let me sleep in your bed?" I was relieve.
"Well you seemed very serious."
"I'm a good actress."
"I'm gonna leave you guys.. you know do whatever you want to do. And I'm really happy for you."
"Thanks!" We both said at the same time. I walk to her and kiss her.
"I can't believe you already told someone about us."
"Actually he's the second one."
"Who's the first one?"
"Who do you think?"
"We should go eat before your cousins eat everything."
"Good idea! And by the way it's not a great way to start a relationship."
"We don't start a new relationship we just improve it to be better." I laugh and we both made our way to the kitchen.

So when I read other books I'm always curious about the authors and I sure I'm not the only one so for those who are curious here's some facts about me.
-I love Marvel.
-My favorite music group is onerepublic.
-I currently watch 18 TV series like The 100, Teen Wolf, IZombie, Beauty And the Beast, Bones, Castle, Hawaii 5-0, Elementary, and more...
-I am bilingual.
If you have other questions you can always ask me ;)

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