Chapter 25

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Octavia's POV

I don't know what's wrong with Clarke. She has a problem with Bellamy. I want to know what is it and before we arrive at the cabin... and I have a plan.
"What O?"
"I'm hungry. Can we stop at the next gas station please?"
"Yeah! No problem. There's one at the next exit."
"And when is the next exit?"
"In two minutes." Great!
He turns to Clarke gently tapping her shoulder.
"What?" She snaps removing her earphone.
"We're stopping at a gas station if you want something, princess."
"I'll go check for something and don't call me that." She says putting her earphone back.
I look at Bellamy's face, he looks hurt.

He stops the car and we all go into the gas station. I take a bag of candy and pay for it.
I find Bell looking for something to drink.
"Bell give me the car keys please."
"Why? I'll be there in 5 minutes."
"I'll wait in the car."
"Alright!" He gives me the car keys. I smile.
"Thank you!"
I walk to the car, unlock the door, go in the car and lock the door back.
We are not leaving until they talk to each other.

Clarke's POV

I walk out of the station with a bag of candy.
I walk to the car and see that O is already in there.
I try to open the door but it's lock. Why did she lock the doors?
"O unlock the car please."
"No? O we're going to be late, c'mon open the door."
"What's wrong?" Bellamy says arriving to the car.
"Your sister locked us out."
"What?" He tries to open the door. "What the fuck! Octavia unlock the door."
"No. Not until you two talk to each other."
"Octavia I swear if you don't open the door I'm gonna kill you!"
"How are you going to kill me Clarke if I'm in the car?"
"I'll brake the window!"
"Princess you're not doing that to my car."
"I'll told you not to call me that!" I turn to him.
"And why that? I have been calling you that since we're in fifth grade!"
"Clarke I don't know what's your problem with me and I don't understand why you don't just talk to me like usual."
"Well it's funny you say that because I think there's something you're not telling me!"
"What? What are you talking about?"
"About the fact that YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME!" His face soften.
"Clarke I-"
"Cut it Bellamy. I'm just gonna call my mom and ask her to come pick me up. Just go. I'm not doing the rest of the ride with you!" I turn to go call my mom. I was about to press call when Octavia came behind me.
"Clarke wait!"
"I don't want to talk to you!" I snap.
"Is it because I lock the door."
"It's not that Octavia! You knew it! You knew he was in love with me and you didn't tell me!"
"I didn't tell you because he told me not to!"
"And since when you started listening to him?"
"Clarke. He didn't want you to know because he didn't want to lose you. He never wanted to hurt you."
"It's not just that."
"What else?"
"He didn't even think about our friendship! What's going to happen after that? It's not gonna be the same!"
"Clarke, you think he fall in love with you on purpose? Sometimes you can't control your feelings. It just happen like that and your know that very well. And beside maybe you should open your eyes and realise that it might not be a bad thing."
"How can it not be a bad thing!"
"Who's there when you need to talk? Who's there to comfort you when you're sad? Who has always been there when you need someone to talk to? He has always been there for you and he will always be."
"That's the thing O! If something happen between us and we broke up, who's gonna be there for me?"
"Maybe it's gonna be hard at first, but you've been friends for so long now. Even that can't make you hate each other."
"How do you know that?"
"Trust me Clarke, you and Bell have something special. You can get through anything together."
I was about to say something when my phone rang. I answer without looking at the caller ID.
"Clarke honey, are you okay?"
"Yes mom I'm fine why?"
"Well we thought you would be here now."
"Yeah sorry we had to do a little stop. We'll be there in an hour."
"Okay. See you later!"
"Bye mom." I hung up. "We should go now." We started walking to the car.
"Yeah! What are you going to do with Bellamy?" I sigh.
"I'll talk to him. I'll tell him that I just want to stay his best friend."
"But I thought you said you were in love with him."
"When did you hear that?"
"I'll something happen between us and we broke up..."
"I'll said if."
"So you do have feelings for him?" Do I have feelings for him?
"I'll don't know..."
We arrive at the car and I got into the passenger seat.
"Clarke I-"
"Just drive we're going to be late." I snap. I don't want to be rude with him, but I don't really know how to be around him right now so it's easier this way.
"Are you going to listen to me? Or at least let me finish a sentence?"
"I let you finish you sentence."
"Are you going to act like this with me during the four days we're going to be there?"
He started the car and got out of the gas station.
I really need to talk to him.

Hope you like this chapter!
Anyways my friend just started watching The 100 and he hates Bellamy and he ship flarke all the way.
He doesn't understand me and I'm just like you'll understand me later. ;)
Thanks for reading!

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